In a moment of madness I sold my 37 truck, just thought you might like to see the truck with its new owner "Suzy" Cheers Pete
[ QUOTE ] In a moment of madness I sold my 37 truck, just thought you might like to see the truck with its new owner "Suzy" [/ QUOTE ] In a moment of madness you shoulda hooked up with "Suzy" and kept the truck! You coulda had the whole sha-bang-a-bang!
PFF whateva.....she prolly sweet talked you into sellin' it real cheap too eh!!!ya i know how that is a hell of a nice sure you'll miss it...
[ QUOTE ] I would have married Suzy and kept the truck [/ QUOTE ] Then you would have lost the girl and the Truck and never even got paid.
I have a book called "You are what you Drive" that Identifies people by their cars and I guess what kind of cars different people are drawn to. For instance, The Firebird Trans Am Pontiac is owned by a guy named "Guido" who looks a lot like ROcky Balboa with a Mr T strter set of gold chains around his neck. He has a condom machine mounted on the dash board. The Korean business man with golf club in hand is standing next to a Caprice Classic. The liberal family wearing their LL Bean clothes are happy with their Volvo stationwagon And this primered hotrod truck is obviously a GOTH ROD! Cute Goth-grrl too!
[ QUOTE ] Now that you sold the truck, I vote we kick you out of the Hamb and get her to join. [/ QUOTE ] Ill get my coat
Can you come out to play? I was talking to her not you . I better stop or I'll get into some trouble,lol. later plmczy PS. Oh Suzy Q, baby I love you, Suzy Q. I like the way she walks, I like the way she talks....CCR
I've spent time lookin at your truck but i have to admit i've spent more time looking at her from every angle every time i've seen her she looks even better with that truck though!
i know suzy she`s a very cool young lady....her 6ft something boyfriend pike is a cool guy too monkey
How much for the girl i want to buy the girl will you sell me the girl JR Allways wanted me a chick with a pick up truck
Hi guys, Susie here Sorry to shatter the illusion but she belongs to that 6ft boyfriend of mine that Surf Monkeys on about!!! Although I am doing the paint (sorry pete)!!