First off, this is my first ever tech on the HAMB. Guess it's about time I gave something back after all I've learned here, and, although this isn't really all that difficult or ground breaking info, i'm gonna show you how I modified my '53 Mercury tailights junkyard parts and a little time. Its a good Saturday afternoon project, taking a couple of hours if you're the least bit handy in the shop. First off- my Merc with the stock tailights. A bit small if you ask me. I can think of a million tailights I like better. However, I do like the way they are swept back in the original housings. Maybe a lens change is in order.. Step two- A trip to the junkyard where I score a pair of '85 astro Van lenses that have the right shape and curve. I was actually thinking ahead and brought the original '53 Merc bezels to the yard with me and kept trying on different housings until I found the right shape and material for what I wanted. 20 bucks for the pair. Next I cut out the material I was after using a Dremmel tool and some cutting discs... Then I cut the center section out of the original bezel and fitted in the lens material. It was the shape I was after.. Here's how it all turned out. I really like the change! More cheap changes on the way! Spike
Damn, those look great! Nice job,and on the cheap beside's...Couldn't ask for anything more.. Cool car BTW... Merry Christmas Spike... Tony
Thanks Tony! Not bad for a Douchebag eh? The hardest part was finding that compound curve and enough red material to use. the junkyard I've been going to for years stopped letting people wander around out back, but let me up on the roof with my son. Turns out, that's where they keep all their tailights. I searched for about a half hour before i found a pair that had the right shape. Walking back to the rickety steel ladder to get back down (about 25 foot drop) I was looking at the lights rather than my feet and almost feel through the skylight that was nothing more than translucent plastic, flush with the flat roof. One foot went through and I caught myself in time. Yeah. good times. After I got back down, all the guys in the shop were looking up at the roof, then me. My response was one I learned from Plowboy. "You can't have nice things". I promptly paid, then left. Spike
Not bad at all..The stocker's are ugly in my opinion...the way you did them look's custom, without being crazy.. kinda make's you look twice and wonder what was done....exactly the way it should be... Now, you mixing vodka in that ice tea of yours??? Watch yo damn step foo!
Originally I thought I was going to buy flat material and mold it into shape using a wooden or metal 'buck". instead I found these with the right shape.....and here's the funny part...Therfore SAVING A BUCK!!! Get it??? I saved...a buck. Keeping my day job, Spike
Tony nailed it...Its such a subtle change dude and really cleans up the back really nice! Hats off to you and what a way to do a 1st tech post....
Nice, "budget friendly" improvement. Thats what innovation is all about. Gotta keep that overhead down.