with the new yr coming on fast, id just like to tell 07 to take a flying leap!its been on hellofa yr and a half! since last June [06] my world has changed in a huge fashion.....i find my pop dead at 55, then a few months later in Oct a dear friend loses his battle with cancer...i buried him on pops bday, oddly enough....a month later, i rush my best friend to the hpital only to find out he had cancer! he died a month and a half ago...i dug his grave for the family. that was odd! so, okay, I'm done....no more shit this yr right? not right! my uncle dale, who has always been my rock and my dad when my own could not be, fell off a ladder on the 3rd of dec.....he is now in a rehab center and is still paralyzed from the chest down! we farm 1300 acres by our selfs and I'm not sure whats going to happen there! so, without further ado,,,,BRING ON 08~! I'm truly grateful for what i have...2 wonderful kids, a loving wife and a million HAMB family's! 08 will be better! with faith and hope, ill get all the crops in,my uncle will walk again, put on a a great show in Wayland, and my 30 coupe should be on the road! with help from my kduster bros, i hope to get my 53 modern enough for my wife to drive safely and when choprods gets done with my coupe, imma make the boys help me finish it as well! so heres hoping we all have a great 08 and all our family's and hot rods a purring fine! GOD BLESS TODD
,...tonight,after working on the Mercury the better part of the day i sat back and smoked a cigarette pondering and bewildered at all the work i have ahead of me,,, then ,,i got to thinking of how we are on the eve of new years eve and i got to thinking about 2007,,all the shit that has happened ,getting into a new house,, the cars i got to own ,,losing 3 dogs,and everything else,,,like selling the T coupe body because i was so scared about moving into a bigger house and i thought there would be no way i could be able to build it... ....then i cracked open a beer and thought,,damn,,,not even one year ago,i was in debt in with the model T body,,,and now i have a chopped 50 merc paid for in cash,,, i would have never dreamed that even if someone had told me that is what was going to happen to me in 2007... i miss my dogs,but a guy needs to be thankfull for what he DOES have... welcome 2008!
2007 sucked for me, father in law died, I lost one of my dogs a month and a half ago and another dog a week and a half ago. Car wise 2007 was good, but 2008 here we come.
Yup 07 can fuck off and stay fucked off. Breeder I REALLY hope 08 is better for you mate. 08, the year of $$ Iraq and Gassers..........................I hope! ($$ from my next trip to Iraq and the gasser is where all them $$ is going) Personally I haven't had a year as bad as 07 before and by christ I hope I never have another. Doc.
Hey Todd, to quote Dennis Leary, "Life Sucks, Get a Helment!" Now you know me better than to think that I belive that. The people you have lost left behind a great friend, and a lot of memories for you to have forever. Best of all you were there when it really counted, When they were still here to appreciate it. As for digging the grave, who better than a friend to take care of things for the folks left behind. I know you catch alot of crap on the board, and you give as well as recieve, (dat's why we love ya!) But I have also seen a caring father and husband, and devoted freind to those around you. Your rewards comin' buddy. Hope that didn't sound too sappy, they may take away my "guy" card. GV
I feel the same...fuck 07....lost my house (well I know where it is ...just that I don't own it anymore) owe more in BS debt than ever,don't have a decent vehicle on the road...yea fuck 07. The only good thing is the tumor on my wife isn't cancer and it did make her quit smoking. Bring on the new year!
Todd, you and your family are some of the best folks I've met on here yet. I hope 2008 is a banner year for you Shana and the kids. Looking foward to hangin out with ya at all the same places. Gary
Wow Todd 07 really was a crappy year for you,sorry to hear it.Followed your thread about your buddy,man I know that was hard.Like my dear old daddy used to say before he left this shitty world "Any blow that doesn't break your back makes it stronger".Hope 08 is better for all of us.
Breeder.....what can I say...I know I have only known you a short while but in that time you have shown me a great deal about your character and guff. You and your family have lived thru a rough one and have stayed the course! I will always be on the other end of the phone. Ohhhh and BTW.....Keep your head up and remember you always have your friends, your one of a kind. Peace, Love and Respect fitysix
I lost 2 of my best friends to cancer & ended a 13 year relationship this year. I've had worse years, but I'll be thankful when this one is over. Time heals all, but some hurt runs way too deep. Best Wishes for 2008.
Chin up...look forward to each new day...regardless of the tests God has given you...there will be better days...and there will be worse days...life is nothing more than a series of experiences, each one makes you stronger for it. 2008 is right around the corner...and the HAMB is a wonderful "family" place...peace and good luck to all in 2008. R-
Todd, It's sort of like this...It's like getting out of the dentists chair after he just did a double root canal, the pain is over, but the memory will remain. And as goofy as this may sound, just be glad you have the rest of your teeth. (get it? family, kids, wife, other friends) The ole good Lord never gives us more than we can handle, but he sure does tempt us sometimes. So, yes another year is behind us, but it looks like the new one coming will turn out pretty good. You'll see. Happy New Year Todd, Shana your kids From your extended family here on the H.A.M.B. HellRaiser
Breeder, I am with you... In the spring of 2007 my only concern was what kind of roadster I would build next. Should it be a suede kinda a thing, or maybe a shiny car...mmmm Then my wife went out and caught breast cancer...double mastectomy first and then chemo and radiation for most of the year, it's been rough... Priorities changed in a hurry, now I just want her to live...fuck the roadster, or anything else for that matter. I hope 2008 will be the kind of year where my biggest worry is 4 speed or auto... Happy New Year to all of you guys.
well, ive known way more folks die of it without ever touchin a cig.so i dont need that speech! but am i a dumbass for smoking???/well, of course i am! we all have our habits bro! thanks for all the kind words gang! your the best! groucho...ill try and quit if you send me one of your cars..you know, to take my mind off of them!
If I could afford to, I would. I was starting to think about my own mortality a few years ago. So, after 30 dumb years of smoking, I quit 8-9 yrs ago. Sure, you can get it without smoking. But, with 2 kids, why play with the odds? On a lighter note. Try the patch. One over each eye, so you can't find your cigarettes. haha
ohh man! this is why i started this thread..you guys sure know how to make a guy feel better! on another note...the folks on here with there own bad yrs......im so sorry of your yrs luck to.....do what im tryin ta do and keep the faith, and hold on to your family!~ AND STOP SMOKING!
Yea butt Todd wears his seatbelt. He says he has invested so much $$$ in cigs that he does not want to die in the car. lol Well anyway 07 was bad and good for me. The World of Wheels show in ChiTown was the start for the car shows. Met some HAMBers there. Then along came The Rust Revival. Probably one of the greatest times of my life. Met the Kropdusters that weekend. Great bunch of folks. Made some friends out the Omaha way too. Then the Scrap Drive. Throw the HAMB DRAGS and The Pile Up in there and man what a bunch of great people and great times. Then there is almost twice a day on here. Keeping in touch with old and new friends. This place rules and BREEDER you get me laughing when I am in a %$#@! mood. Thanks to you and everyone else for the good times this year and I hope 2008 is better for everyone. Well dude at least you got a Model A coupe and great family. Lucky SOB.
Perspective. Too often we look at things around us and forget the things that are really important. We tend to be selfish, and only see things we don't have. All too often it takes a disaster before we see things as they really are. The Lord has a way of getting our attention. Sometimes we are fortunate enough to see the disasters others face and over come and are able to take a good look at ourselves and re-evaluate our own lives. Like it or not, people are always watching how we respond to the misfortunes that occure in our lives. When we see the ones that have overcome great disasters, we all grow in our faith of better things to come. For all of you that are now dealing with lifes ups and downs, and for all of you that have done so in the past, my prayers go out to you. I watch and gain insperation from you. Through your ability to keep fighting your battles, I know I can overcome my pitiful little problems. Thank You for putting up the fight and continuing on, your faith is my inspiration. Let us bring in the New Year believing things will be better. If 2007 was a rough year, may 2008 be a great one. If 2007 was a great year, may 2008 be a better one. Gene
It is very likely to be a better year! Lost my mom. Bunch of other bad shit too. Can't dwell on the past, just concentrate on making 08' a better year. Happy new year everybody!
Todd, me and the boys will kick off '08 with a killer birthday party...send my best wishes to Dale...see you soon brother and I'll try not to be too handsy...Best of Luck in '08