Got up this morning to go to the first show/swap meet of the year for me, inside of coarse,19 degrees outside with wind blowing. Left the house at 5:30a.m. for an hour and a half drive, because I thought they normally opened at 7:00 a.m., wrong, opened at 9:00. The show was pretty good,was a little down on the swap meet items, at least for interest for me, or the year I prefer. Overall a great day, but a little on the chilly side. If you live in, or around the Nashville area, and have never been to the show the first weekend of every Feb., this year on the 3rd., you need to go. 4 or 5 rooms full of swap meet parts, always a crowd, and more parts outside. The doors do open at 7:00a.m. that day. Feb 3rd 20th Annual Swap Meet at Tennessee State Fairgrounds in Nashville,TN,1-615-890-1144. <!--"''"-->