I found some at this site http://www.kalecoauto.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=10 for those of you that have been looking for them for years. I am currently looking for some Prop Wash for my friend let me know if find some I hear it's rare. Has anyone else found such rare items, Bulk Head strtchers and other such valuable commodities?
ive been looking for a 2 door to 4 door conversion kit for many years, because 4 doors are the new craze and i dont want to be stuck with a silly ol 2 door car...
Holy crap they've got these too! http://kalecoauto.com/index.php?main_page=product_reviews&products_id=9
the hardest to find is a drapner valve ,course if ya cant find it, you can use a gloist kit to repair.................
I Just ordered ome of those piston return springs. My theory is that they sould help ease the work the starter has to do for the 14:1 compresion pistons. on my flathead. I was really wandering if anyone had that Prop Wash
Funny story regarding these kooky parts. A common film set joke is to send a green production assistant to go and get an F Stop, just like the preview in the movie theater that shows the kid running around looking for a "spinner"(coffee stirrer stick) while all of the lighting guys have a good laugh. Well the story goes that a film crew was shooting on a working battleship and the camera assistant sent johnny new guy to look down below for an "f stop". So the kid looks around in the bowels of the ship, and a sailor sends him to a storage area with a bunch of old camera junk. Ends up he finds a vintage recon camera that has actual frames that you slide into the camera to set the aperture. So the kid runs up on deck and over to the camera assistant with , you guessed it, a box of F Stops!!! Now where did I leave that Spinelli Pin??!!
I'd like to find some gorilla snot in the spray can, not the kind you find in the tube. The mouse milk, I know I can get, it comes in the small can.
What no Fetzer Valves?? I've been greasing those muffler bearings for 15 years now, never thought to replace one!!!
NAH THEY DONT. thier out of blinker fluid. FUCK THOSE GUYS!!.. what ima do about my damn blinker...FUCK!!!
I was a Niave kid and I fell for a couple of these. I once went on a ten mile drive to to several marine shops asking for general bearing Grease, also I spent some time in the Navy kooking for a Bulkhead stretcher only to be given this large hydraulic pump that weighed 200 lbs that I lugged up and down a couple of ladders. Then one day some one asked me for a stroboscope and I told them they could go pound sand and I wasn't falling for that old trick. Then the boss came in and yeld at me for not helping the guy out that wanted a stroboscope and he was cussing like crazy that's when I found out there really is a Stroboscope, well at least there used to be. I am gald I have wised up a little in my old age although I still need that chrome plated Thorkle Rod to keep my truck from rattling.
I got pretty lucky, and got even with a jerk at the same time. Back when I was a teenager, I was working at an italian restaurant. The owner was a personal friend of mine, and the store manager was a jerk. The owner had told me he wanted to fire the manager, and was just waiting for him to screw up one more time. The thing is, the manager had no clue I knew the owner So I'd been there about a week, and the manager sends me out for new smoke filters. [ha ha, big laugh], only I knew he was pulling my leg. I drove home, and went to the owners house. [2 doors down] and told him they were "messing with the new guy", so he had me call the manager and ask him what size he wanted and how many. The manager was having a hard time talking normally to me cuz he thought it was funny, but he said "4 of the large ones", and I replied that I was having trouble finding them, but I would check K-mart next. So me and the owner drive to an industrial supply house, and he buys 4 large activated charcoal filters for about $3 each, and he writes a fake receipt for me saying they were $59 each. [The owner knew the guy working at industrial supply, they set it up perfectly] I returned to work with the charcoal filters, and presented the manager with a receipt for $260, and told him I used my own money, and I wanted to be re-imbursed immedeatly. The manager goes nuts He calls the restaurant owner and tells him what happened, the owner tells him to call the place where I bought them and see about getting them returned. When the manager calls industrial supply, and talks to the guy there [who was in on the gag], he tells him "Sorry, no return policy, your stuck with them". The manager goes even more nuts, and threatens to fire me. I said "Fine, fire me, but first give me my $260 I spent for these things", and he refuses. So I say "Let's call the owner". The manager disappears back into the office for about 1/2 hour, then comes out and LITERALLY throws $260 at me, tells me "F-you", and walks out the door, never to be seen again When the owner shows up a little later, he takes me back in the office, and I gave him the $260, and he hands me back $50, and says "here, keep it, it was worth it to get rid of that little punk" It took about a month before our little "secret" became public knowledge, but everyone in the restaurant had a good laugh over it.
Anyone here know where I can buy some invisible paint? I've got some scratches I want to paint over and I don't want it to show where I've touched up. On the subject of paint, if a primer "Coat" of paint is first, and a finish "Coat" of paint is last, does it make any difference if it's a summer or winter coat? Or would just a jacket work as well? Also, if I put some nitrous oxide (laughing gas) in my tires, will I have a Funny car?
I sent a kid in our shop all around looking for a left handed crescent wrench. He kept on bringing me ones, and they all had an "R" stamped on them. I told him that meant "right handed". He looked for about 20 minuites before he finally asked the teacher where one was.
Hey they got one 'O these too! http://kalecoauto.com/index.php?mai...earch_in_description=1&keyword=flux+capacitor Steeper than I can afford right now though. Completely out of Long Waits and Big Punches though. No listing for Hup Cap Gaskets, darn.
Great site. Someone with time on their hands and a twisted sense of ha ha. I'm REALLY disappointed that they don't have a water pump for my old 63 bug. Buddy I knew went around to the auto shops years ago looking for one (he was a crack mechanic and was just being a jerk). All but one place told him to grow up. They said they were out of stock but wrote down an order for one. I can only imagine how easy it would be today. Now guys, let's not descend on all the parts stores with this. We'd give the HAMB a bad name. Hmmm any of you ever do that? Can't imagine you would.