I am seeking input on what direction I should go with this. My dad started this project in the early 90's and passed away shortly after. For sentimental reasons I want to keep the body mods and the rear suspension as is, these are the items he did himself, the wheels can go and the front suspension will definately go. Any suggestions or photochop help would be awesome. Thanks, Dan
I think no matter how you build the car it will honor your dad. That being said I would ditch the wheels, tires, front suspension (as you've stated), but also the rear end. Channel the body over the frame, run some 16" steelies with bias tires, and have blast driving it.
Yes, it is a corvair front end. I would like to use a traditional axle of some sort either a drop axle or the stock one with the the frame z'd. I do have fenders originals and glass, but my dad widend the body three inches so many fitment issues would come up and I like rods without fenders.
Here is a good place to start. http://www.jalopyjournal.com/forum/showthread.php?t=75451&highlight=curious
Look at the pics of Kevin Silvas Sedan in Ryans blog.....it will be back a few months. That is how it should look! Rant:None of this overdone overly channelled BS. That look will be as awkward 15 years from now as tubbed Model As from 1990 appear today. Trust me, you will see lots of folks undoing channel jobs in a few short years.
I did a search for pics I think I would like something like this with a tractor grille and I'd need to paint it so my wife would ride in it.
sound like you got something in mind, i say go for it..... how size are the rear wheel n tires? whats your thoughts on the existing rearend set up?
Having lost my own father 2 years ago, I can see where you might shy away from changing things too much. What you could do is to put the driveline into it and run it for a while the way it is, and see how you feel about it later on. I'm no fan of independant front ends on fenderless cars, but in the 60's the Corvair set up did see some use. No matter what you do, your getting the thing going would honor him and make you feel better.
Ya dropped axel, chop looks good the way it is mabe slight channel white wall tires. My only sudjestion would be to put some old drag headers on that thing like a fuel coupe. sit in it put your head out the driver window and imagine those drag haeders stareing you in the face. Try to imagine what your dad would do with it if he were to finish it. The car has his sole in it and it will live on for ever now that you are working on it again. Cool have fun with it. Building it will bring you closer to your dad even though he has passed on. What ever you do it will be good it seems like your on the right track. He probly put that front end in there cause that is what was avalable when he was working on it. Your dad being a true hot rodder he probly would have liked to have a dropped axle in it. All I know for shure is that your car is bad ass. keep me posted while you work on it I would like to see how you make out.