Illegal Soap Box Derby gang from California? Cool stuff and some neat tradiational rides,
member since april of '06, 246 posts and you never saw any of the sfvisbf posts?? you been hiding under a 20" billet wheel or something?
There was an older guy that showed up at Bob's Big Boy last Friday night with a logo'd leather jacket on and the wod driver underneath. I chased him down and had a nice conversation regarding the SFVISBF. He wasn't a HAMB guy and I forgot his real name but he was "older" and I think he said he races and builds with his son or grandson. Nice guy, was alittle taken back at first that I even walked up to him and asked about it. I wish I would have gotten a photo to show you who it was.
Sounds like Gary. Thin guy about 5'8 full head of hair? We only have one grandad/son race team so it would have to be him..
regardless of what state your in, the vids kick ass but it just dont compare to goin to the valley and seeing the real thing. AZ is comin!
that video stopped my two year old dead in her tracks for over 5 minutes! UNHEARD OF. She loved it. COOL!!