Just curious how many guys out there actually installed or sold automotive glass for a living. Figured folks might like to know who to call for either purchase or installation advice. And yes, this guy is probably a model, as he looks like he's never hefted glass like that in his life. ~Jason
Bump for afternoon folks... and because of this: http://www.jalopyjournal.com/forum/showthread.php?p=2591312 ~Jason
Well, for a living... or for fun. Although it seems like it would take a different kind of person to do this for fun. LOL
Been doing auto glass for over 30 years. i just came in from cuting glass for a 37 dodge PU. Trying to retire but it ain't working.
Check the Alliance Vendors. I bought mine from him and had them shipped - arrived in great shape and a good price. J.
used to be 48 HEMI, then OLDCARGLASSGUY, now it's just NONAME. I'm outside Portland Oregon been doing glass in cars since 1965 started in Pasadena Calif. Semi retired (that means I only have to 5 days a week instead of 7) have over 15,000 original glass patterns going back to 1918, and have books that cover dimensions back to '08. I have a real problem shipping glass, but am getting somewhat better. I have a website www.oldcarglassguy.com I absolutely do no late models roughly 1970 and up. I like helping do it yourselfers. that way I can sell them the same glass several times hehe!