It simply mystifies me how fast things can change....yesterday morning I talked with my dad( I try to run to his place once a week ) and explained that due to my busy schedule I wouldnt make it down until friday. He seemed a little disappointed but said he'd see me then and that he was going out to work in the garage. He needed to simply run a new air line to his tire machine. While out on my errands( about 3 hours later ) my brother called to tell me that my dads garage was gone, burnt to the ground, and that thank GOD he was ok. He had started the woodstove and then went inside the house, got sidetracked, and left....when he got back, he thought the door felt warm for the amount of wood he threw in it....well he opened the door and WOOF! flames everywhere....the fire department was called but missed his entrance and didnt make it there for 40 minutes! ( I recommend everyone invest in those reflective signs ). Anyway everything was a total loss, including several engines and parts and all his tools. And by the way, check your home owners policy....his doesnt include coverage for ANY auto parts, paints, fliuids, or tires. And if there was a car in the garage his car insurance would have to cover it! Ill post some pics, and if you want to see more go to :
That sucks man,,,,sorry to hear about the fire,,,things can be replaced but people can't,,,,glad your dad wasn't hurt. HRP
Dam that must have been real hot to bend that engine stand like that. The bright side is your dads ok
Yea, I'd say she was pretty toasty...the insurance adjuster said that aluminum starts to melt at 1400 Degrees roasted stuff outside the garage anywhere with in 8 ft! There was a soda machine outside the garage that had a hatchback leaning against it, we found glass from the hatch another 12 feet out from that...Dad said the flames were higher than the trees, and the trees close by were scorched.
man that sucks who would have thought an insurance company would weasel out of paying for the stuff in the shop. god i hate them. good to hear your old mans ok
Engine stands, garage buildings, and sbc blocks are replaceable. Your dad is not! Sorry about the lose, but happy for you.
Sheeesh that puts extra seeds in your watermelon, don't it ???? But NOT where you had your truck stored, right ????
Sorry to hear, that's why i have five exthinghters(sp) ready. hell if the cops take an hour to get here, the firemen won't be any different, and i"M only 10 minutes away, but in the country.
Always make time to visit because that person may not be here an hour from now. Always but Always have a fire extinguisher handy. GUILTY, I am going to buy on right now. Things can change so fast. Yep
glad your dad is okay as far as insurance is concerned// people need to talk to thier agents am\nd if you have a large investment in tools(i have $20000 coverage) or antique collectable parts ($15000 coverage)have that spelled out in your policy also in the case of adding a woodburning stove make sure it doesnt void your coverage before starting the fire
loc8tor..thank god your dads defenetly could have been worse. Ive been thru this and it sucks, in time recovery will come.
Sorry for your family's loss. Give your pop a hug.You still have him.The other stuff is replaceable. Peace and may the thunderbird of opportunity rise from those ashes for all of you!
They aren't weaseling out of anything. If you buy a policy, it is your responsibility toknow what it does and does not cover and get the policy adjusted to cover it, if you want it covered. Which was the point of him saying check your policy.
Glad your dad is ok. Been there done that on the shop, mine wasn't a fire but tree. Luckily none of my vehicles, by some miracle of God, were damaged severely because I found out the hard way that the insurance won't cover stored vehicles because they are insurable on their own. The carnage. The shop was 1 year old almost to the week. Thankful I was out of town and not in there working happened on a Friday Night/ Saturday morning so it very well could have been the case.
Were those as regulators screwed on to oxy/acetylene cylinders? Man, sorry for your dad's shop & tools loss, glad he's OK though.
I just went through this with My agent for My new house. This is with Allstate. Maximum for tools and equipment is 10,000. No extra can be had. No allowance whatsoever for car parts no matter what there value. Cars also will NOT be covered by Homeowners. Cars must be insured buy an auto policy that You are covered by fire-theft and damage. Heres a funny thing. Any home worth and insured for 750,000 or more the get 30.000 for tools I told Him rich people dont have tools they get work done. -------------FEDER
good thing no one was hurt,total bummer to lose all that. but did it occur to you that maybe your dad is secretly David Banner? and when you told him you weren't coming by he turned into the incredible hulk?
The ACC/OXXY guages were new, they arrived the day before....the tanks have yet to arrive, and they are not even paid for yet...oh well, glad the tanks werent there would have made an even bigger boom! Thanks for all the kind words, Im 2 hours away from my dad, and he isnt getting any younger, thats the main reason I drop by atleast every other week. And please please read your insurance coverages, and make what ever neccessary changes to protect yourselves. Including to see if you are covered if you have a wood stove in your garage, thankfully my dads insurance covered it with the woodstove, but, the adjuster recommended that when he rebuilds, he use another source for heat.... I have parts and I have cars in my own garage....and the cars are projects, so therefore have no insurance coverage.....that will soon change. Its always something you think about when it happens to you or someone you I wanted to get as many people to think about their own situation and double check insurance coverage. Thanks again