Absolutely marvelous build pictures. I know what you mean about the "no friends" thing. I build totally on my own, and you become very adept at solving the "how do I lift it/move it issues. Thank you for the great build pictures.---Brian
Absolutely fantastic work! Thank you for all the great pics and tech advice. Maybe you should start doing this for living!!
I just finished reading the whole thing. It really makes me want to get back home and start working on my car again. Thanks a million.
DAMN this is a nice, tasty ride Rolf. I love the way you think....reminds me of me haha. Overcoming all thos elittle "challenges " and putting of "yourself" into the ride is what its all about IMHO. Fantastic work, very well thought out and first class attention to the little things that can make a beautiful ride .....absolutely OUTSTANDING !! Keep the pix comin man...this is a shoe in ride for the top 10 of 2006 !! Rat
Thanks for such in depth pics and explanations. It helps young guys see different ways things are done.
I HATE THIS ROLF GUY!!!!! i mean you gotta hate somebody who makes your own work look like TOTAL SHIT!!!!!!! right???? You can see the whole misery here if you like: http://www.classicroad.com/modelA[/quote]
Beutiful, just f*#king beautiful! I usually am niot a big fan of Model A's, but your coupe has turned me around. Aieee, I can't believe I just said that! Of course, your skills as a craftsman are superb. And, your ingenuity is definitely an inspiration to all of us to get out in the garage and get to work using whatever we have on hand and what God gave all of us, our brains. Somehow, I think your brain has just that extra bit of "old car gene" in it. Again, this A is spot on and one that I would be proud to have in my garage.
Rolf, What a great ride. I have been watching your posts since the begining and everytime I see your car I am just amazed. You have an incredible eye for detail and style. I guess the rain is good for something after all. Fantastic Hot Rod!! Chuck
You took the image right out of my head and built it. Looks great - I hope my coupe comes out that good.
wow! just plain amazing.......its all in the details, if my project turns out half this nice i will be pleased. its great to see such attention to detail like this car. I second the "ten star" comment
Man I dont think I have ever wanted anything more than I want a rod like that. Awesome work. I really like the simple straightforward purpose for everything on the car. I am jealous.
Two things, 1. said it before and i'll say it again. Your car is the standard any Model A coupe builder (or any hotrod builder for that matter) should shoot for. 2. Hope you don't mind if I steal some of your ideas....
hi Rolf, as I'm going to start a 401 nailhead rebuilt, could you tell me where I can find a good dealer for nailhead engine parts? As the others said, VERY NICE CAR!!!! total agree with MIKE-3137!! (excuse me for my english... I am french...)
Hi, Nothing wrong with your English. Here is a great thread for nailhead info: http://www.jalopyjournal.com/forum/showthread.php?t=137034&highlight=nailhead+parts Good luck with your build.