saw this tonite at the cruise nite near my house ,is this a common set up from the old days..... would you call this a "PAN HEAD" hmmmm?????
Where The fuck is the diner dia-rea, rama? I see the fuzzy dice,.....just like the fifties???? Yeah where is the fuckin depends dispenser? Or maybe the fake car hop bitch. The Wolf man jack sounds of the fifties tape playing on the record player next to the tissue dipenser, with the furry cozy? Or maybe the queer continental kit or the script STICKER on the fender "WANDERER" ENOUGH!!!! FLIP
[ QUOTE ] Where The fuck is the diner dia-rea, rama? I see the fuzzy dice,.....just like the fifties???? Yeah where is the fuckin depends dispenser? Or maybe the fake car hop bitch. The Wolf man jack sounds of the fifties tape playing on the record player next to the tissue dipenser, with the furry cozy? Or maybe the queer continental kit or the script STICKER on the fender "WANDERER" [/ QUOTE ] Jeez. And I thought I had issues...
I have to agree w/DeadFast.. that is really, really, really stupid.. Is it supposed to be funny? Cool? Something?
<font color="green">Here comes another East Coast/West coast fight. RASHY Good thing about that setup is, if you get overheated you can just pull over and back a cake, have a few brews and wait for it to cool down. Similarly though, I've seen people take tall boy cans, cut the top and bottom out, slit them up the side and fit them around the cells on the Optima batteries. Looks like a sixxer of tall boys. Not about to do it though. On a side note, I was watching the six o'clock news last night and there was a deal about a guy that stole a womans purse and escaped in his mid 80's Trans Am. They actually described him as having a "MULLET" haircut!!! My first thought was, "They said mullet on the news!!! My second was, they already said Trans-Am, the mullet should be implied. RASHY </font>
[ QUOTE ] <font color="green"> On a side note, I was watching the six o'clock news last night and there was a deal about a guy that stole a womans purse and escaped in his mid 80's Trans Am. They actually described him as having a "MULLET" haircut!!! My first thought was, "They said mullet on the news!!! My second was, they already said Trans-Am, the mullet should be implied. RASHY </font> [/ QUOTE ] Wasn't Draglinks looking for a Trans-Am a couple months back, had to have one...ummmmmm
I think the car has "Jersey"plates on it.they give infants Mullets in the nursery there!! "rock on Bon Jovi!!!! JimV
Well I guess I'm gonna have to play,"devil's advocate" here.Granted it doesn't have black primer,red wheels with(nearly bald) wide whites,red and white pinstriping,rusty zoomies,slag-covered welds,no floors,and the owner probably doesn't have a So-Cal T-shirt,starched Levis with 5 inch cuffs and sporting an equally high pompadour and festooned with a blue and red Technicolor nightmare of flesh.Maybe he's just trying to do something(gasp!)original!(WOW! that's a new word!) I don't particularly like it but I don't dislike it that intensely either.But you have to give the person credit for trying something different.I'm sure that Henry Ford,George Barris,and Don Garlits have had their share of experiments gone awry,but I sure in hell don't see anybody dissing them! Well that's my opinion and I'm sure you all know that opinions are just like assholes;everybody's got one and most of the time they stink! Ray
I especially like the truck-stop reflector on the side of that....uhhh,aircleaner. My brother would say he's owned the car too long.."looking for things to do on it". Sometimes less is more.