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Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by Kustomkarma, Mar 14, 2008.

  1. Kustomkarma
    Joined: Mar 31, 2007
    Posts: 898


    Man, with these higher steel prices everything is going to the crusher it seems. I spent the day harvesting parts for my Model A Project and grabbing whatever I could. The yard I was in has already scrapped out 30 cars and will be scrapping out another 50. These are all 50's -60's cars mind you. The owner told me that the recycling place shredded a nice '53 Buick and a '60 Ford truck. While I was at the yard, a flatbed showed up with a super straight late 60's Falcon. The yard's owner didn't want it, so you guessed it off to the shredder. I'm currently pleading with the owner of this yard to hold anything old for me. I'm, buying what I can, but space and money is always a problem. I've even seen cars not more than a year or two old meeting their fate. Some of the yards around here have piles 30 feet high and lines off their property made up of trucks carrying their unfortunte victims off to the their steel executioner. I guess what I'm getting at is if you want it you better grab it while you can. If you've got it, but don't want it try to find someone that does. When this is all said and done imagine that the prices for old cars will be quite a bit higher than they are now. Unsettling stuff. :(
  2. Belchfire8
    Joined: Sep 18, 2005
    Posts: 1,540


    My brother lives near Cottonwood Alabama and being from Michigan origininaly he sees all the old tin in the bushes. He told me last week that it is all being hauled out and scrapped. Vehicles that he said looked like they had sat in the same spot for decades are getting dragged out and crushed. He said at the shop he works at the scrappers are coming in and offering big money for the junk/parts cars out back. Better get it while we can!!!! :mad:
  3. Brucebodyman
    Joined: Feb 2, 2008
    Posts: 4

    from Michigan

    I see the same thing happening here. Everyday I see the same flatbed trucks go by from some small yard out in the country with cars going to the crusher. I know a guy that works at the biggest towing co. in the area & they have scrapped 150 cars in the last couple month's. I walked their yard last week there are a few 60's cars in there nothing real rare but lots of usable parts all going to the crusher.
  4. Now you know why I own like 40 crappy cars and no nice ones. And why the resale cars get such high price tags stamped on them. Because there's no way in hell they're going to the crusher -
  5. jetmek
    Joined: Jan 12, 2006
    Posts: 1,847


    yep...went by the port of albany recently and saw tractors, old farm implements, you name it the scrapers are clearing out old farms, hedgerows whatever they can get there hands on...
  6. Kustomkarma
    Joined: Mar 31, 2007
    Posts: 898


    The prices are higher, but still not that high to me. I believe they're paying $8.00 per hundred pounds down here. Seems to me that a lot of people just want a quick buck. When I see rotted out Model A cowls go for a ton on Ebay, I can only figure that people don't know the value of things or they're just too lazy to place an ad. I could have bought that Falcon off the flatbed for $260.00 or maybe less if I had the space or money. Not trying to complain a lot here, rather inform people that things are changing rapidly - especially down here in Florida. On the other side of things, if you own a yard and you're quickly crushing '80s - '90s - 00's junk, things are good.
  7. Kustomkarma
    Joined: Mar 31, 2007
    Posts: 898


    Scrappers went into the woods near my stepfather's parents in Michigan and took pretty much everything - tractors and all. It's like it's a mania. I sat down one day and figured out how much steel you would need to collect to make a decent living and it was a hell of a lot.
  8. throttle
    Joined: Jul 23, 2007
    Posts: 38

    from sfsd

    Just plain fuckin sad.:mad: How the Hell can you destroy works of art for a few bucks? I guess they don't realize they could make alot more selling them to people who appreciate form more than scrap weight.
  9. lownrusty
    Joined: Aug 15, 2003
    Posts: 639


    sent 2 old big forklifts to the scrapper this week they weighed in at about 36000#s @ .13 per pound all we did was drain the oil and take the tires off.
  10. That's your answer.. $5000 for two old forklifts is a lot. Divide that 36,000 lbs by the average car weight of say 3500 lbs... you junk 10 or 12 cars and you've made pretty good money for not a whole lot of effort.

    It's so crazy, the parts Suburban I bought, even after stripping it out and swapping out parts with another one, I think with enough crap thrown back in it I will get the $300 I paid for it back, so the rebuilt trans, new starter and a bunch of other expensive parts end up being free.
  11. ZomBrian
    Joined: Jan 24, 2008
    Posts: 1,143

    from in IN

    What is with all this stuff getting scrapped so quickly in recent days? I really doubt there is a shortage and that there is such high demands in other countries. Is there no more ore in the ground elsewhere. I REALLY BELIEVE that it is our government trying to eliminate all of the old tin. Think about it. If they take away our playgrounds, we can't play. Take away our toys, and we'll break what we have and can't fix it...eventually. A lot of these yards aren't scrapping the NEW stuff, and that is what should be scrapped because if you fix a modern wreck you have to give it an R code title and it is pretty much worthless. Besides, who fixes modern throw away cars from junkyard wrecks?!? I think that they are trying to eliminate all old cars and engines! There is no real reason to be sending TONS of metal to overseas countries that AREN'T EVEN ALLIES!!!!! Am I alone on this??? My .02.

    Brian (Conspiracy Brother)

    P.S.: Next time you get to talk to these "old timers" selling their stash, inform them that when it's crushed, they end up with "Charlie".
  12. restin&rustin
    Joined: Mar 14, 2008
    Posts: 104

    from illinois

    we're havin probs here people are tresspassing and stealing junk. some tards got caught cuttin down tele poles for copper and aluminum. sad, boys sad,i was lookin the other day in the classifieds and they had an 85 mustang listed in classics never thought id see the day, the $100. cars are gone boys and girls.
  13. throttle
    Joined: Jul 23, 2007
    Posts: 38

    from sfsd

  14. Ruiner
    Joined: May 17, 2004
    Posts: 4,141


    That's the saddest part, they only want the old stuff because it isn't full of plastic and other's hard work scrapping new cars versus old ones...I'm glad certain yards are buying up old cars for scrap prices and parting them out, rather than crushing them...
  15. I kinda got to go with ya on this one! we got a letter form the city the other day informing us of our "city rules" as to what we can and cannot have on our property and guess what was the top one, you guessed it old cars and junk! it is a sad place we are headed for, think about where we would be if it wasen't for the packrats holding to old cars and such, the way they are going their won't be anything left in a few years if they have it their way! the wording in the letter was put so as to play into their favor if it was boarder line legal. all the old timers and car guys around here are going nuts, I would not be suprised to here of someone taking out their anger on one of the inspectors. time to go back to the 50's and build underground bunkers (to store the cars in) !! OK done ranting now!
  16. tfeverfred
    Joined: Nov 11, 2006
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  17. duke182
    Joined: Nov 27, 2005
    Posts: 562


    it's everywhere. i have sold scrap metal, bottles, and all manner of junk since i was a kid. it's always been good supplemental money.
    never have sent anything to the crusher without reducing it to the most unusable state possible.
    there are several factors thet have driven metal prices up, but don't you know the anti-old car people are rejoicing,they know greed will overcome sentiment every time.:mad:
    a new scrap yard just opened up in my home town. i have yet to do business with them. i have spoken with them though. several of my friends are hauling everything they can get their hands on. quite a shame.
    the new yard has been in business less than four months and has already accumalated over 100 pre70s cars.
    i have over 100 pre80s cars, many from the 20s,40s, &50s, i do not intend on crushing out and have a standing offer to violate trespassers. have to fend off friends and strangers almost daily.
    the junk pile is in jeopardy though, prices are up ya know.
    all i can think to say is buy the ones you really want now and put them up.
    when the shooting stops and trading in metal slows down the remaining cars will be worth more. unfortunately original parts will ge harder to find. please try to sell parts as parts first before scrapping them.
    on another note ; you cant hardly blame an old guy who's been stacking junk for years for cashing in right now. i have a friend whose dad is fixing to call the crusher on 400, 70-90s model bad for the very few older cars involved. at $300+per car that makes for a pretty good pay day for a fellow just starting on retirement.
    sorry for being so wordy,just had to vent about two of my favorite subjects;old cars and junk.
  18. hobbyjp
    Joined: Mar 14, 2006
    Posts: 330

    from socal

    Inflation and recession. The dollar is losing its value compared to other currencies. Everything across the board is higher, look at gold prices. People rushing to scrap their inventory now doesn't make that much since unless its just to pay the bills. Anything that you buy now has higher prices gas, milk, produce. Its like selling high and buying high. Having old cars are like having money in the bank as long as you can keep them in decent shape.
  19. We have over 200 at this time and at over $300.oo a car it shure is tempting. My father who is 86 is having me move 50 years of accumulated junk cars trucks tractors equipt ect. from his farm to my place because low life unscruplous assholes are trying to steal or cheat him out of it. He is afraid that he will catch some of the thieves. Because if he does he just might kill them(the picture in the avatar is the sign in his driveway).My dad is half german and half swede and he would never sell scrap because the majority of the scrap dealers were jews. I know that it maybe racist and is inheriently wrong however it is his constutional rightLOL.I dont know how he feels about selling to the commie chinese( im afraid to ask) You can get the picture if the goverment someday forces me to get rid of them i will take our bulldozer and dig a hole and bury it first.:pOldWolf:mad:
  20. duste01
    Joined: Nov 5, 2006
    Posts: 1,212


    I got a 88 ranger to trade a scrapper for something cool
  21. Thumper
    Joined: Mar 7, 2005
    Posts: 1,610


    Drug enhanced assholes around here have gone to stealing manhole covers to sell for scrap !!
  22. v8 Bake
    Joined: Dec 23, 2007
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    v8 Bake

    Lucky for us our local scrapper wont crush anything of value. He has a nice collection he has saved and he will sell it.
  23. ZomBrian
    Joined: Jan 24, 2008
    Posts: 1,143

    from in IN

    Last year...or maybe two years ago, a guy broke into a school through the air ducts to steal the copper out of the place. He got stuck and died. The only way they found he was there was the awful odor going into the cafeteria. He had got stuck and died.
  24. duke182
    Joined: Nov 27, 2005
    Posts: 562


    doubt if they will trade but i can gaurantee they will gladly sell you something for about $15 a hundred.
    as much as we can get they get way more.
    that ranger won't weigh near as much as the average car from the 40s-50s so be prepared to come off some cash.
    good luck and good shopping
  25. 56Sedan
    Joined: Feb 4, 2008
    Posts: 203


    My shop is near 2 local scrapyards... it never ceases to amaze me what the scrappers will haul in.. One guy had a truck load of bird cages?!?.. What would that bring 20 bucks?

    If Ihad more time I'd be out front of the yard looking over the loads as they come in.. I've done this in the past and come up with some good wares.

    I had some mouthbreather digging in my trash at home at 2am looking for car batteries...It just so happened I was sitting out on the porch having a smoke. threw shit everywhere.. I stood up and told him to put it all back, eveidently he didn't see me sitting on the dark porch just the cherry from my cig.
  26. eeluddy
    Joined: Feb 7, 2008
    Posts: 59


    Had the catalytic converter stolen off my Grand Cherokee last winter. They lay on the ground and cut them off with a Sawzall or something. AssholeThieves got 5 that night from my buddy's car lot. Went to a local scrap yard next day to get a used one, they laughed at me! Go buy a new one they're cheaper is what I was told. The local yards are scrapping out to the steel mills twice a year and getting rich. One yard doesn't bother selling parts to "off the street customers" any more as core prices are up as well as scrap. Owner told me he was sick of cheap ass complainers and yard workers rippin him off, so screw it.
  27. 58lespaul
    Joined: Mar 9, 2008
    Posts: 6


    Have to agree with Tfeverfred.Things have just gotten out of hand.We(America)needs to wake up and smell the coffee,cause one of these days we're going to wake up and there won't be an America! Just a thought
  28. If you read the paper or listen to the radio about the US Dollar's value, you will see why theres a mad rush. Our dollar is down compared to the rest of the world's money. They get more from us now for the same cost to them. They are buying scrap and other stuff (oil futures) that are backed by the US dollar because they expect it to fall more.
    This will continue until the dollar stops falling.
  29. JustBryan
    Joined: Feb 22, 2008
    Posts: 172

    from NE Ohio

    Tfeverfred is 100% correct. We plasma burn steel where I work, havta keep scrap somewhere, outside in 20 yard rolloffs. We have jerkoffs stealing from our containers more than we can possibly moniter or keep up with. Cops are pretty observant here.Worst part is we have to go to impound when someone is caught and recover our scrap from their vehicle so it can be returned to our scrap containers at our own cost which always excedes the value of the scrap that was stolen in the first place.....or just give it up in which case the theives win.
  30. lostn51
    Joined: Jan 24, 2008
    Posts: 2,454

    from Tennessee

    there is a yard not far from here that just got finished scrapping all of the cars for a wally world. these cars were in the 30's thru the 50's. if you saw some of the cars you would cry. we took Gene Winfield there when he was in town to paint my buddies merc, he did not know how to act when he saw it. im talking about rows of A Models, 39 Lincoln Zephyrs, 32 ford tudors, and a 58 chevy with a 348 tri power and 3 speed on the column and only missing the air cleaner. he rarely let any body on his yard you have to know him or have some one who knows him with you. i didn't know he was doing this until they had a small artical in the local paper about it a few weeks after it happened. i used to go up there and give him old washers and scrap metal for trade in parts.

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