I'm trying to find out who sells ready made headliners for a '40 Ford coupe. Also, I think I may be missing 1 or 2 bows for my headliner, if any 40 Ford guys could tell me how many there are I would sure appreciate it. Thanks in advance for any help.
You can have your local upholstery shop order one for you from a company calles "Acme" they sell ready made headliners in a large variety of fabric and color choices. Or do a web search, you might be able to buy on line.
Thanks for the reply , can anyone tell me how many headliner bows are in their '40 Ford coupe? I have 5, think I'm missing 1 or 2. Thanks
I'm not sure how many bows a '40 has. I have a '39. But I have seen headliners for sale over on that auction site. Don't know anything about quality, though. Mike
Here's a link to a company on ebay who makes them.... http://search.ebay.com/search/search.dll?from=R40&_trksid=m37&satitle=37+ford+headliner&category0=
If you're not hung up on stock, Rod and Custom had an excellent step-by-step article on foam headliners in its December 2007 issue. i think they did a '46 Merc coupe, but should be similar to yours.