Anybody know of an affordable chrome shop in Sacramento that does good work? Any referrals would be nice. ~Jt
I've gotten and read several referrals to Walker's Plating in Redding (not that far north of your location). - em
Another reco for Sherm's. "Affordable" and "Sherm's" probably don't belong in the same sentence, but they do the best work on the planet.
I was checking Sherm's site, and I didn't see any prices, not even a "roundabout" price list, i.e., a bumper costs $xxx - $yyy, so I figured if they didn't post their prices, they might be a bit pricey... I'll have to check them out though. Anybody used Donny's in Elk Grove, or Chrome Craft over by Fruitridge/S.Watt?
I've used Walkers in Redding and also Sherms. Sherms is great work and pricey. My parts that went to Walkers came our very nice and they were affordable. I recently sent some bumper irons out to San Joaquin Chrome in Lodi. I'll let you know how that turns out in a few weeks...
Affordable+chrome shop=oxymoron. I've used AAA plating before. $200 for a 37 Dodge rear bumper and it was also $200 for a 46 GMC windshield frame.
I guess it also depends on what one considers affordable. I'm thinking that over $500 for a bumper is too much, and $200 is about right for getting one chromed.
Just dropped off 2 bumpers and my grill to my guy in Tijuana today. They will be done in 2 weeks and I have a warranty for the life of my car against peeling or cracking. The last stuff this guy did for me was outstanding, and I couldnt have been happier! Enjoyed the day, dropped off my chrome, ate some great food, and the border wait was like 30 minutes. My total for the day (including food for me and a buddy and a blanket with the virgin Mary on it) was $400! All in all, a good day.. We also stopped by my friends upholstery lady. She has done all his cars, and her stuff is top notch quality. She will be doing the innards of my 52. Ill post pics in 2 weeks when I get my chrome back.