I have a 1965 327,on the back of the block just to the left of the dizzy is an opening,attached to it was what looks like some kind of vent or primative pcv system.on the inside of the manifold area it attaches to a baffle. My question is,can I just block it off with a plate?the opening is a little bit larger than that of the dizzy,sits just behind the manifold. I was hoping to drop this engine in my pickup but ,I am not familar with this setup. thanks in advance to anyone who can help
I think what your looking at is the oil fill tube. If your running valve covers with a vent/oill fill u should be alright.
the oil fill tube is in the front of the manifold. as far as using the frost plug this fitting i removed looks similar to a thermostat housing except it has a single 1/4" bolt through the center. with the frost plug should i drill it and bolt it?
What you are looking at is a crankcase vent. Those were before the ones in the valve covers. An inline PCV valve goes between there and a vacuum source, such as carb base. That fitting in the back is where the road draft tube once was.
no need to drill....just drive in a frost plug , they are a interference fit. take an accurate measurement ( micrometers ) and go to a good auto parts store. i 've done it many times , i can remember the size do you have a PCV valve in the valve covers? if not , you may want to consider not plugging it and using it with an inline PCV valve
Use the fitting to connect your PCV valve. That fitting isn't all that easy to find, be glad yours is still intact.
It's for the crank case vent tube.I call it a puke tube.It's just a tube that fits into the hole and runs down the back of the block to allow any oil to that may be there to puke onto the ground.Just stick a frost plug into the hole and use the pvc fitting on your intake.
If you want to run valve covers that are'nt messed up with breathers and grommets, then use it the way G.M. designed it; looks a lot "cleaner". If you want valve covers with breathers and oil fill holes ,then plug it with a freeze plug. I say keep it the way it is and use an intake with an oil fill tube and breather cap on it.
thanks alot guys.i will run it with an inline pcv.i have a nice set of valve covers with no holes. i will be using an original edelbrock torker with the fill tube and breather cap
Before you put the intake on take the time to clean out that tube/baffle in the lifter valley. They tend to get filled with crud and hinder the flow over a period of time. And the sweet thing is that you don't have to screw up a pair of nice valve covers to put the pvc valve in, good enough.
OK good plan ! clean valve covers, torker with the vent cap/tube... just make sure you clean out the vent baffle before you hook it all back up...And just to answer the other part of the question ...the hole is 1 1/4 ", and a freeze plug will seal it off..If you are going to vent the motor thru the valve covers,( like a later motor ) you can plug the hole and discard the vent baffle altogether.. Another tip is to check the flow direction on the inline pcv .. some have 2 different line sizes and may not flow in the direction you need.. Do a little digging @ the parts store and you will find what you need. Good luck Dave
Have A 64 /283 In A 32 Sedan That Uses The System And It Works Great. Be Sure The Oil Filler Tube Has A Good Vent. Deucemanab