Stock doors...with a metal worked "fade" to remove the hump bodyline in the middle. He hasn't finished the transition to the quarters yet on the pass side. Funny, I was just playing around with this look today with masking tape on mine...decided to be different an keep my hump.
That car has been posted here a few times, still it is worth taking a closer look.. The dude has some serious metakworking talent. Or, as the kids say, mad skills. -Abone.
Why would they wobble? It was only like that for 15 minutes, no wind, we don't have earthquakes, and NO I never got under it. Sheesh. Here we go again... BTW, I did all that by myself over the course of an afternoon. Nobody was around to lend a hand. Sometimes, you gotta do what ya gotta do. Worked fine, the car's been on a chassis for 2 years now, and that wooden box I made became my garden... Mercman1951
I gotta figure how to get this task done, as I am afraid the frame on my 51 Merc is just totally rocked from rust.
I just seperated the body on another 51 chevy I am building, I was scared but it worked out pretty good, glad I did it makes it much easier to work on!! John
I dont get why someone would do this to a Merc? I love the body line thats one of the main reasons I bought one. it kinda reminds me of a hudson! But hey everyone is different.
it's not "pretty popular",,because if it was "popular" every other MERC would have it done.... but of course,the first chopped merc had it done....
Personally, I think it's about "flow" the lines flow from the front to the back. It works with the right chop, but like everything else on a Merc, it's been overdone. The Merc has been overdone as a whole. Those like me building one now are forced to either be a "sheeple" and go with what is accepted, or do something different and be ridiculed. I am taking a chance at being ridiculed, yet doing what I want. That said that it works; but now...I'd rather keep the stock body line personally. I like the "hump" in the door. Says "MERCURY" to me. Adds character. Lots of other people try to remove it. I like to be different and keep with what the designers were going for, yet maybe enhance it when possible. I like the side chrome, persoanlly. Maybe move it back a tad off the front fenders. Subtle stuff. Hell, every "original" idea I had for my Merc has already been done by members of this very board. If you want an original idea now, rebuild it to stock.
Personally, I think it's about "flow" the lines flow from the front to the back. It works with the right chop, but like everything else on a Merc, it's been overdone. The Merc has been overdone as a whole. Those like me building one now are forced to either be a "sheeple" and go with what is accepted, or do something different and be ridiculed. I am taking a chance at being ridiculed, yet doing what I want. So be it. That said-- it works; but now...personally, I'd rather keep the stock body line. I like the "hump" in the door. Says "MERCURY" to me. Adds character. Lots of other people try to remove it, so I like to be different and keep with what the designers were originally going for, yet maybe enhance their design when possible. I like the side chrome, personally. Maybe move it back a tad off the front fenders. Subtle stuff. Hell, every "original" idea I had for my Merc has already been done by members of this very board. If you want an original idea now, rebuild it to stock.
Hey, The Mercury, with the "killer fade-aways" is being built by a guy named Paul Bragg. The fade-away idea was started by Harry- Westergard. Bertolucci, than Barris, took the ball and ran with it! Prior to 1942, when Buicks first sported these "fade-aways" as stock, a kustom guy had to form his own. After '42, it became as easy as goin' to a Buick parts counter and buyin' a set, and welding them on. These panels are a bitch to make, and get the shape to form correctly, without a shitload of filler and some tweeking. Paul's done an assload of work on his Merc, all in lead! Swankey Devils C.C. "Meanwhile, back aboard The Tainted Pork"
New to the site. Old question regarding faded sides on 49-51 mercs. The merc in question has completely new door panels and lower quarter sections with flush mounted skirts, also new. Panels were shaped on yoder power hammer and wheel. There are several ways to accomplish this fairly difficult task. I can probably chop a top on one of these cars quicker than I can fade sides. The biggest reason for new door panels is it allows greater latitude in the position of the fade line to the back of the quarter from the back of the front fender. If you start the fade at the back of the dip in the door and follow that contour to the back of the quarter it looks lousy. The fade seems to drop to much to the back of the car. Many were done that way. Also, I use no plastic filler and the new panels make the job much easier. I could go on for hours on how to accomplish this in different ways but I am sure no one is interested. Someone mentioned that the mercs have been over done. It is probably true. Same thing with Harleys. To the casual observer or the uninformed I suppose all mercs and Harleys look the same. You have to look at the overall vehicle including stance, color, shape and all the subtle things that make the difference between a memorable car and a turd. Tinguy
Cool to see the owner on here, I like your 54 and 51 as well. I see what you are saying as to the dramatic drop if you start at the rear of the dip.
This 'under construction' pic is wild... Nice car btw.
tinguy, WELCOME. You do beautiful work. How will you remove the misalignment between your new fadeaway line on the panel and the door?
The car shown in the pic was done by master metal man/merc builder Paul Bragg of San Luis Obisbo California.
Not sure of the question. If you mean misalignment from door to 1/4. You need to raise the top of the bolt-on fender to match the door. I made a whole new lower 1/4 partly because I had to make new wheel opening and skirt anyway and the old bolt-on section was pretty bad. It works better. As I said there are many ways to do this. It is a hard job no matter how you do it. Hope that answered your question if, try again and so will I. See ya! Tinguy