I've posted a thumb of an old photo of the '33 Chevy my Dad had in the late 1930's. I've got a couple of other reference pics. of '33's and I plan to draw an 11" X 16"; "headshot" and paint it in watercolors. Anybody got a '33 Chebbie? Would like to see some pics. of HAMBer's '33's!
Yeah....but mine got turned into an oval track stock car in the 60's. We're in the process of restoring it for vintage racing and hot-rodding. Lots of pictures here: http://www.jalopyjournal.com/forum/showthread.php?t=165476
I really like the vintage stck cars! That big sedan my dad had spent it's time in central New York, New York Mills, N.Y. I'll always wonder what ever happened to it!
Ive got one, and its even a 4dr too. mine has the spare mounted on the back instead of sidemounts though wish mine were that nice, its in a few pieces in the shop right now. it sat in the woods since '47
I've got a 33 chev sports sedan and when I can talk my kid into posting pictures for me I'll add it. Mike.