I bought some Original Fentons off EvilBay a couple weeks ago. Condition was a little rough, but for being used originals the price was Very right. Well, I've been working on cleaning them up for my Sub and began wondering how they were finished originally. Did they come raw, chromed or painted? Any input would be appreciated. Big Dirty
Okay let's pile on! You should take off the glasses when lying in the sun! Alright let's be serious. I got to think they were raw too. Ya got a nice set there! Man they're tough to get with the heat box. Especially on the sleazebay.
RAW! But, yours look like they were chromed at some point. Maybe go with something ceramic now. By the the way "BATMAN", take the mask off when tanning.
My guess is that you weren't out in the sun - rather you were practicing safe wire brushing / grinding with your good eye protection on. Bet if you were sweaty and that was a colored picture your face would be a nice rust color
So it seems they came raw, so I guess I'll find a way to seal they and keep them virtually raw. Definently was wearing safety glasses, I have a major phobia of metal bits in my eyes. And lastly, yes that is Kramer in the background!! The new improved Kramer if you look closely. Thanks Guys, Dirty
how about a little history of Fenton? What years did they produce parts, and where did they come from? -scott noteboom
The 1959 catalog shows chrome plated "display" headers for $10 extra. Some if not all Chev V8 headers were painted silver. I've also seen unused '49-'53 Olds & '51 up Studebaker V8s that were painted silver. More than a few Ford V8s got porcelain coated around here during the late '50s
The same type/grade as used on bathtubs? How well did it stand up to the heat, and keep its color? Could I just have my headers coated by a bathtub refurbisher, and look authentic?
Here's the rear one on my brothers 38. Was told here that this was later sold by Fenton with the # intact but the "Grand" removed.
While we're talking fentons, does anyone reproduce the black widow double exhaust for small chevy? Saw some in Daytona swap a couple years ago should have bought them.