Are the spindles the same on a '40 car and pickup? How about the rear end? I am searching for parts for the Model A I'm getting, and I think I know where some 40 truck parts are. Thanks! btw, I do intend to get "the book" (Tardel/Bishop), just haven't gotten around to it yet.
Just be aware that a truck will most likely have a lot lower gear ratio. Most cars are 3.78 or 4.11 Trucks (that I have seen) came with a 4.86
Most trucks are 4:11, however you could order lower rear ends. The rear ends do interchange with the cars on the light duty trucks.
While chassis parts are virtually the same, how about front fenders, grills and hoods? Would a 40/41 pickup hood fit a 40 Tudor sedan?
Hoods are differant. The fenders are basicly that same, but they bolt to the cowl differant, so the mounting lip is differant but an be made to work.