Almost got the shop done, and I know there are a few folks out my way, so thought about maybe having a mini-ish shop party... Been working on it for a while now, hit quite a few bumps along the way, BUT it is almost done! Soon enough I can quit working on this, and start working on my cars again! I have a projector, and smoker. Thought about projecting some hot rod flicks on the wall, smoking up a brisket, maybe a keg, band??? Hell, if anyone is up for it got two chops to finish! I have more then enough parking for everyone, and a 1200 sqft shop. Let me know who all would be interested, lets get a count, and set a date.
I'd love to come out and meet some folks, post a date (July maybe?) and hopefully I can get out there.
Sure...hand us a date... unless you just want to make this nightly! Gotta have some advance notice so I can sneak out of this shop... damn my alliance membership is up
If the date falls right Pushrod will roll out with our cars and throw our guitars and crap in the back just in case.........
Sounds good! Ya'll actually played the show we had last year at Fair Park, would be killer to have ya'll out and play at my place!!!
Ill get the map to ya! Hell, we could have a shop crawl between your place and mine and be close enough to actually crawl it..... This weekend was looking at the calendar, and talking to the boss (the wife) and trying to figure out a date. What about the 28th of this month?