Skate Fink Pat was at the first Showdown and been a big help and a great friend ever since. I think I actually met him here on the HAMB first. When he called me Saturday morning saying he had an accident and could not make it to the show, I started looking around to see where he was waving and laughing at me. He really was not there! I just had my gall bladder taken out so I know what the deductibles and extra bills are like that add up so here's my auction for Pat and Erin. I will do my normal HAMB auction of Showdown stuff later. Whatever is the winning bid is for this junk, I will DOUBLE IT and send it along to them, so make it big!! After I talked to my show wingman Scott about this I got this email from him. "Hi Larry: Six years ago I met you at a cruise night and you gave me a flier > for the first Jalopy Showdown. We talked for a few minutes and said the Kaiser > was cool enough to bring. I came with my dad and we had a blast. One of the > first people I met there was Pat. He came up to me and we started talking. > A friendship began right there at your show. Just one of many including yours > and Kim's. Your show changed my life for the better in so many ways. The > Kaiser is long gone but the friendships keep on coming. Since I rarely post on > the Hamb, (usually only around the showdown) can you please list these for a > Hamb auction to benefit Pat. This is a complete set of Jalopy Showdown > Posters. From the original big mean green poster to this years and also the first > Jalopy Drags from last year. All are as new never mounted. There are only a few > of us lucky enough to have been to every event and we are all lucky enough > to call Pat our friend. I will pay shipping for the lucky winner. Thanks, > Scott (53 Kaiser)" SO here is what you are getting, ALL the posters we ever did for the shows (the green first year is 3' x 4'!) Also included, a pile of whatever show stickers are around, one of the last tag toppers, a beanie hat, an XL shirt from this years show, a girls S shirt from this years show, and a L and S shirt from the first Showdown Drag show, and one of the 300 shop rags given out to infield cars at the show. All this crap sent postage paid to you where ever the hell you are in the world. We'll run this auction, like Johnny Ace's, until May 31st 5 P.M. eastern time. Send me the money, I'll add mine and deliver it to Pat when we go to visit him.
If Larry doesn't mind, I'd like to throw in a Roth autographed T-Shirt...... it's a simple rat fink reunion shirt that was autographed by Roth. I am out of the country, in London right now, but to give you a background, when I bought my house, the first "big boy" thing I did, I was super stoked, and shortly after I got a was from was the shirt. For no reason what-so-ever. Just best wishes. Again, if Larry doesn't mind, I'd like to throw it in the auction. Like I said, I'm out of the country, so I have no pics, but its just a simple show" tshirt what Big Daddy signed. I'll be back on Tuesday.
Thanks Caffeine! I know Pat is always randomly sending stuff to people because he thought they would like it or need it !
I met Pat breifly at Posies a year or two ago in the rain. ( Jr & Clark bought a ton of rear springs that year). He may not remember me, but I don't care, A friend in need is a friend indeed, Bryan I'll go $300.
Since the price has already gone over $350.00, is there someway we could send just some cash that we can afford. I would be happy to put some cash through paypal if you could arrange it Larry ! Let us know !
I'd be happy to put it together. You can send it to my Paypal account and I will pass it on with the total from the auction with footnotes of who donated what. Maybe we'll do a giant check presentation!! Paypal to
Before this post goes away, I really want to thank ALL of you for the support and encouragement. This time 2 weeks ago, I was strapped to a backboard in Shock Trauma with a broken neck & shoulder. I am doing GREAT!! It will be a while before I'm 100% but the prognosis is good. Poor old "Ruby" didn't make out as well. She is totaled. Good news?? She was a 2001 PT Cruiser *duck* Better news?? I am going to use the insurance money to try to put together something "old." Hoping to do a 60's Chevy Wagon. With any luck, I hope to do it "SoWhat" style...... I've already started accumulating parts... I had picked this up from Jime Litwalk at Detroit in 2005. Check out the staples!!! Thanks to everyone. Drive safely and God Bless, Pat & Erin Maphis
And here I've been whining about dealing with been out of work for the last 4 weeks, recovering from a double hernia surgery. Dude, I feel for ya. Get better!
I never win anything, but now I have and it only cost me $350. Seriously, I hope you are doing well Pat and this helps a bit, Larry your a good man getting this organised, Paypal sent today