He did.....what happened to him? He was supposed to be relocating to a new shop. Anyone heard from him?
The car is indeed the Great Gordini's aka Flesh Gordon. He has also relocated to a new shop, still in Freakmont CA. I am in the Vultures club with him, but just relocated to NC. I saw the crew over Memorial Day. The Vultures drag T that he built is still alive and well. There are some small pics of it in CK Deluxe's, I think, coverage of the Oakland Roadster show. He's been busier than a beaver in a flash flood working on all kinds of stuff at his shop. I'm proud to call him a friend and a brother... one of the most generous and skilled guys I know. I'll see if I got some pics of it kicking around or roust some from the guys. Thanks for the interest in the car!
Gordon is busy building and servicing a bunch of hot rods in his new shop in Fremont, including my '49 F1. I'm working on the Gordini's Garage website, which will have a bunch of pics of the T. Watch this space: http://www.gordinisgarage.com/ This thread has a bunch of pics of the almost-finished car in Gordon's old shop: http://www.jalopyjournal.com/ubbthreads/showflat.php?Cat=&Board=UBB1&Number=134674 Oh, and the other guy in the first photo of this post is Kevin, who moved back from Arizona to work with Gordon at Gordini's. They pretty much live at the shop--which doesn't have internet access--so they don't post much.
thanks a lot for the info, i have a T body thats bone stock and i love the look of that car... really great ideas he had... thanks for the links and pics
Neat vintage drag car. That shop sound's cool. Post of upcoming shop pic's of underconstruction is great.
Well, I just finished the intial version of the Gordini's Garage website: www.gordinisgarage.com There are some more T photos in the "Dragster" section.
[ QUOTE ] The car is indeed the Great Gordini's aka Flesh Gordon. He has also relocated to a new shop, still in Freakmont CA. I am in the Vultures club with him, but just relocated to NC. [/ QUOTE ] Welcome to Raleigh at least..
Thanks for the welcome to Raleigh Zman... It's quite different than Oakland, CA! I don't think I've met you out here yet... I've met quite a few of the other guys around town.
Root..., Is the "Dragon Fly" going to make it back to the HAMB drags...? It would be great to see The "Vultures T" run against the "Dragon Fly"...! Two of the sharpest retro draggers I've seen in a long time...! Mark
[ QUOTE ] Root..., Is the "Dragon Fly" going to make it back to the HAMB drags...? It would be great to see The "Vultures T" run against the "Dragon Fly"...! Two of the sharpest retro draggers I've seen in a long time...! Mark [/ QUOTE ] Yes, we will be there with pants on. I was hoping for a photo op last year but Fleshy had as many problems with the T as I had with the Fly. I hope he plans on making it this year. Anyone know?
I want pics of the Fly up against the Henry J that Flamedabone is building too. Then HankSpankCash can modify it in his supersecret photo program. I'm sure HAMB Drags Photographer Jim Marlett will be there with pants on as well.
Root..., are you still utilizing the quick escape door latches...? Maybe you could tell the Tech guys that you use the doors as a Drag Chute...! Mark
Hey - this is Hell-N, co-owner of Gordini's Garage. We have a new shop in Fremont and are already looking for a bigger one! And yes, we are planning on going to Austin for the Day of the Drags. I have some pics somewhere I can email you if you like. (I'm no good at posting pics on here) Let me know what in particular you are looking for. Hell-N
Hey- I was on that drag crew too! (well, at least I wore the shirt and posed for pictures...) Here's Kevin and Paul hanging by the ride:
Here is one that I took at the Drags. and a few more of mine can be found in an old thread http://www.jalopyjournal.com/ubbthreads/showflat.php?Cat=&Number=150497&page=&view=&sb=5&o=&fpart=1&vc=1
I still want to know when we're going to race again... it was supposed to be best 2 out of 3... and I figured we meet up again at Palmdale's Antique Nats... Sam.
It doesn't look like we're going to the HAMB Drags this year...sad! The guys were supposed to be at the Antique Nats, but they weren't...shit happens when Julie the Cruise Director is gone...
Hey Midge I think that the "Radiator Hoes" should campaign a car at the HAMB Drags if the Guys at Gordini's can't cut it...! I was hoping to make it to Mokan and it would be great to see everyone in one location...!!! If the stars all line up just right I'd like to make it to Temple Texas as well. Mark
HA - thanks! Well, I did donate my motor to that Vultures 27...maybe they need to donate back! Hopefully we'll see you out in Texas!