I'd take a piece of it to home depot. they say they can match any color on their tv ads. Sure you might have to paint it with outdoor wood stain, but at least it will match.
Not sure about the paint but if the full size ford truck rims bolt pattern was too big then the stuff under your truck isnt factory. Oh yeah heres a plain lookin little 56 I like,I think this truck shows they dont need a lot of bling at the wheels to be cool.
That scallop rendition is nasty. I vote take it to a body shop and have them fix the two spots, your less money in it anyway.
I'd do a neutral background color, and a candy metal flaked panel job that's laced. That would look pretty sick.
I say flames, but hell, I'll flame anything. Since I've seen examples of scallops posted, I'll balance the scales with a little flame inspiration. This is one I did a while back.
Look up Ed Roths old truck for some cool ideas! Flams suck but flames are pretty cool................
I vote neither.Wouldn't stripe it as well.For the money you would spend on the custom paint,you could have the paint repaired.Flames do NOT look good on F-100's and scallops or panel painting are nice if there is a lot of custom body work(think the Barris Wild Kat pickup).The stock trim pieces get in the way of doing any striping on it.The only thing I would do to it if it were mine(and I would love it to be mine)would be to put either chrome wheels with baldy hubcaps and blackwalls or 56 Merc hubcaps with whitewalls and a set of chrome stacks coming from the panel below the bed up to a couple inches above cab height. I remember going to junior high school(1956)and a guy lived next to the school with a brand new 56 Ford pickup done just like that.It was metallic blue and had red and white(it looked good!)tuck and roll with a white tarp and a red pleated diamond in the middle.Nicest set of pipes in the world too.