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very C/T but curious

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by superstockcatalina, Jun 8, 2008.

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  1. women, i have one, but i am selling my house which doesnt have a garage and i live with her in her new house with no garage, she wont let me build one here and i have no where to keep my 52 and 65 and 63,,,,....... hell, she claims she'll kick me out when i bring my 65 home and rip up the tires on our street as she doesnt want to make enemies of our 100 year old neighbors whos kids fly down our street anyways. is SHE worth keeping, do your women understand? we had a huge fight about cars today and i have a feeling we wont get anywhere, i know this is a car forum, and this is half about cars and half women, and i sure as hell am not selling my cars. so is it worth letting go and renting a shop and sleeping there alone after i sell my house that i cant afford now? my 65 comes first before anything, i just cant see why she doesnt understand or support it. because the day i finish my 65, im shredding up at leat 2 sets of rear tires that day! its been 4 years since i drove that car, i deserve it! and if it gets me kicked out...i guess so be it hahah
  2. sociallydistorted
    Joined: Oct 24, 2006
    Posts: 291


    There's always the chance that she'll come around and start to understand your obsession but it's highly unlikely. I'd give her the boot and get yourself another pad.
  3. DE SOTO
    Joined: Jan 20, 2006
    Posts: 3,857


    I sold a car once for a woman..... stupidest thing i ever did as she ended up leaving anyways.

    If she dont get it now... she never will and if you keep messing with cars .. she WILL leave.

    If she already threatened you, Well... Theres yer sign !!
  4. Nice car. Keep it.
  5. If there are rules and stipulations, it won't end well. You will always be butting heads.
    Get your own place, and see her on the weekends, if you must.

    I would bolt. You are not going to be happy and neither is she.

    My wife is supportive to a degree. she knows that is how I am, and the cars come with me being there. Let me send you a couple pics of my back yard. Your lady will think 4 cars are nothing to bitch about then.

    I have somewhere around 30-40 in the back yard, and another 100 or so scattered around.
  6. Rootie Kazoootie
    Joined: Nov 27, 2006
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    Rootie Kazoootie
    from Colorado

    Their handy to have around at times. :)

    Attached Files:

  7. striper
    Joined: Mar 22, 2005
    Posts: 4,498


    Mine is pretty understanding. She doesn't embrace it but she understands. I would not take any threats laying down. If she can't respect you enough to accept what you fast is that 65 anyway? Show her some tail lights
  8. old beet
    Joined: Sep 25, 2002
    Posts: 5,750

    old beet

    My wife bought me a Louver Press last year! Nuff said!
  9. hahah thanks for the support, i dont know anyone in fl so i have no one to bitch to, i dont mean to bring women on the board here but it does concern cars , no, id never sell my 65, she has seen me go through at least 16 gf's ...that car always comes first, i just have a hard time because my cars are at my old mans shop where they still have to sit outside and he is selling the shop too. and she doesnt give me much time to go play with the cars and she pretty much wont go two hours north to orlando so i can meet some hambers and the poor boys and make friends as they arent her type, so id be at the shows with jut my car, i cant even get her to the dragstrip. i used to spend every weekend there. im sure that as soon as i find enough money and finish my 65, i will bolt, and yes, she will be fast, i still have the 389 but want a 400 bored out to the max with dougs headers and cutouts, cross ram with two edelbrocks, finned offy valve covers, and 4:11's with a locker, she will look just the same but have a wicked rumble, may even run a blower w/o the hood for a while to just for kicks, she sits pretty low now since the springs sagged and i might drop her an inch or two later after i get tired of the blower, not sure a blower fits the big car anyways, might just stick with the cross ram and finned stuff and clear plug wires and clear fuel lines.
  10. BISHOP
    Joined: Jul 16, 2006
    Posts: 2,570


    Get your balls out of her purse. Once you get'm back, you can do what other men do.
  11. jimmyv
    Joined: Dec 1, 2006
    Posts: 620


    I've had mine for 21 years and she puts up with old cars just fine. I have about 12 or 15 sitting around right now. It helps to have 6 acres, a big barn, and shop to put some of them in though.
  12. Dirty Dug
    Joined: Jan 11, 2003
    Posts: 3,721

    Dirty Dug

    I lost my wife ten years ago. Now I have two hotrods and another in progress. We were at the mall and she said she'd be back in twenty minutes. I waited a half hour before I left. She calls once in a while but I screen my calls.
  13. yorgatron
    Joined: Jan 25, 2002
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    Member Emeritus

  14. Bazooka
    Joined: Jun 20, 2006
    Posts: 686


    This sounds about right...


  15. GizmoJoe
    Joined: Jul 18, 2007
    Posts: 1,300


    Big flood. Emergency trucks go by and driver says to guy, get in. He says no, God will save me.
    Water gets higher. Guy climbs on roof of porch. Boat goes by, the operator of the boat says get in. He says no, God will save me.
    Water gets higher. Guy climbs on roof of house. Helicopter hovers over. Pilot yells get in. He says no, God will save me.
    Water rises. Guy drowns.
    Furious at God he starts yelling at God as to why he didn't save him.
    God says.. I sent the emergency vehicles, a boat and a helicopter.. how many more signs do you need? (I know, old joke but it's 3 in the morning... don't expect too much wisdom.)
    MAN! How many signs do you need to see this woman isn't your match????
    Let's see...
    Doesn't like your friends. They aren't her type. You=your friends. Are YOU her type?
    Won't "give you time" to work on the car. That's only going to get worse. Kicking you out for ripping up tires on her street.. well that one COULD be reasonable. Just find another street. ;) Good folks next door can be great watchdogs.
    No garage. Come on!
    No drag strip. Sheesh!!
    Love can conquer a lot but... RUN! Run for your life!
  16. Gepetto
    Joined: Nov 29, 2007
    Posts: 121

    from Orange

    Dude, it is easier to ditch her and find one that will put up with your shit!!! If you put your tail between your legs and move in with her, she will always have the upper hand and you will start to question "needing" your 65. DTB and keep the car, so what if you have to live in a shop until you get on your feet again.
  17. stude_trucks
    Joined: Sep 13, 2007
    Posts: 4,754


    I'll play Dr. Phil here; hate to say break up, but sounds like you both need somebody else. You need somebody who is into cars and willing to put up with your crap and she needs somebody who is more considerate of her desires. Doesn't sound like you guys are seeing eye to eye on fundamental and simple things. I could be wrong, but sounds like you both might benefit from parting ways to me.

    My wife and son are far more important to me than my trucks. It is not even a consideration of what comes first - and I love my trucks. My wife is pretty cool with my truck stuff and no real complaints as far as that goes. But, I do everything I can to not make it a problem for her either and try to let her be involved in stuff when I think she wants to and would enjoy it - family trip to the Santa Maria show for instance. And I if it came to it, I would send them to the scrapper if push came to shove.

    If I were you, I would re-check to figure out what is the priority in your life, cars or a relationship(s) (and people in general), and make decisions based on that. You can definitely have both and shouldn't be too hard to do. There are plenty of women who are into old cars. Focus on what is the more important thing and then let the secondarily important things come from that and work with that.
  18. wetatt4u
    Joined: Nov 4, 2006
    Posts: 2,146


    DUDE.....Make her help you with the hood on the truck you were talking about on the other thread ,and then get the hell out ,she will NOT change for you ,WHY should you change for her?
    Sounds like you got more trouble's than just not knowing anybody in your area!
    Man grow some balls, their are lots of good women on this board(hamb etts) and even more in this world,even in Florida....
  19. This rule is universal

    NO matter how good looking she is
    NO matter how rich she is
    NO matter how talented in the dark she is

    Some guy somewhere is tired of her shit

    I was engaged to the "blonde hair blue eyed girl of my dreams" who was worth close to 40 million and even with all that I got tired of her shit.

    I met my understanding wife 16 years ago, we have a great 10 year old son, she lets me keep 32 truck parts in the house and she does a pretty fair burnout when provoked.

  20. GlenC
    Joined: Mar 21, 2007
    Posts: 757


    If it doesn't work out, don't be sad, they are out there!

    (In our dreams anyway!)

    You have to decide, the girl or the cars. Simple as that. Make a decision before it's too late.

    Cheers, Glen.
  21. williebill
    Joined: Mar 1, 2004
    Posts: 3,383


    I'm ending,just tonight,in fact,a 16 month relationship with a fun,smart woman,who's also demanding,selfish,moody,and possessive as hell.She doesn't like the time I spend with my grown children ( !!!! ),and resents the garage,and especially hates the long hours I work in my business.I've suggested she find a rich old bag who will kiss her ass and take her places,and spend tons of money on her,and ONLY her,and then maybe she will be happy.
    Your woman will demand more each time you cave in,especially if you give up your identity for her "happiness"..
    It's OK to recognize that every relationship goes through different phases,and the new does wear off,sadly enough,but it's not OK to kiss her ass.She knows how important this stuff is to you,and you are being tested.
    I suggest you FAIL the test,and run like hell.
  22. DocWatson
    Joined: Mar 24, 2006
    Posts: 10,288


    Ditch the bitch, lets go racin'

    Some people get it some don't, she don't.

    The easiest way to explain your lifestyle (Don't shit your self, this isn't a hobby) is to connect it with the other person by likening it to there favorite thing.
    For example, If all she wants are baby's, or the perfect house etc, let her know that your cars are the same for you. If she has half a brain she will understand that these cars do in fact mean something more to you. If not she will go on in her merry little self absorbed world.
    Now having said that, still dump her ass an run for the hills brother!
  23. in your original post it looks to me you answered yourself , which is a good thing if there are no kids involved , life short make yourself happy ..
    Joined: Jun 3, 2005
    Posts: 10,408


    Before we got married she bought me a 72 Superglide. When we were dating she'd love to go street racing 'til all hours of the night. She loves the "feel" of the grandstands when nitro cars are racing. She makes me a lunch for work AND does my laundry. She cuts the grass (1 1/2 acres) so I get garage time. Now she's finally a buisness owner as well, her dream since I've known her. She goes to all the important car meets related to my job AND has a good time of it (so do I, really). Am I bragging? Fuckin eh right I am! And she looks like this:

    Bottom line is, this life ain't for everybody. I gladly gave up all my garage time to build her salon, and more as well but I don't want this reply to get boring. Just like original cars, they're still out there. Good luck.
  25. Deuce Roadster
    Joined: Sep 8, 2002
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    Deuce Roadster
    Member Emeritus


    Hate to say it ... but you are better off leaving NOW ... before you get in deeper. No kids, No real committment.
    Find yourself another woman ...

    There are some GREAT women out there who really likes cars and the life style. I am lucky ... I married one. :) She knew I was a Harley riding, wrench turning ... race car loving type of guy when she said I DO.

    I dated better cooks
    I dated better house cleaners
    I even dated some with more money and better looking ;)

    But overall ... NEVER ... met a better woman ... for me

    When she tired of riding in a Roadster ( after almost 30 years ) ... she said I want a coupe. So now we are building her one ...


    We started dating July of 1966 ... almost 42 years ago :D
    Best thing that ever happened to me.
  26. David Savary
    Joined: Apr 19, 2008
    Posts: 22

    David Savary

    Ya, remember, 99% of the women out there have been tested and failed the q.c. a few times before you get 'em. They ain't all perfect but some of them come around. Shit my wife sees a few of my friends cars in the yard and starts grillin' and cookin for us and passin out frosties. I told her were gonna call our club "the Nitros" as in the little nitro pills they give people with heart problems!
  27. After a lot of girlfriends I tell you it's not gonna get any better.
    Once she feels like she has more control, and say, it's gonna geta helluva lot worse.
    I've been there. If you appreciate cars, as much as you sound like you do, your gonna be better off overall finding a new one rather than trying to change the one you're with.
    If you give her an ultimatum, it may get better in the short term, but she's gonna remember and it's gonna come back on you with a vengeance later.
    especially if your 10 years in, she remembers and resents the time spent with cars, and takes half of your shit.
    Piss her off enough and she'll take the stuff you like on purpose.
    Save yourself the hassle and move on.
    I have a brother-in-law and 4 friends that have made this mistake and wasted half of their lives unhappy and now they are broke to boot.
    I was patient and found the love of my life after a lot of failed attempts.
    Some of them were great girls but trust me you'll know when the right one comes along. It'll feel like you were hit with a sledgehammer.
    11 years, and 2 kids later, it still gets better every day.
  28. Shifty Shifterton
    Joined: Oct 1, 2006
    Posts: 4,964

    Shifty Shifterton

    Any chick that disrespectful of something that means alot to you shouldn't be part of your life.

    If you keep her, don't sell the cars, just start hiding money for alimony.
  29. corncobcoupe
    Joined: May 26, 2001
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    Staff Member

    Please discuss old Hot Rods and Custom Cars.

    Thank you,
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