where do you find a good rebuild kit american made for 97 stromberg i will need 6 of them. also some small parts for carb.
I haven't tried a rebuild kit from them but they sell lots of parts and are always willing to help me out via phone. www.vintagespeed.com
The Hot Rod Company is an Alliance vendor and they have everything you need for Strombergs and Demon 98s
You might want to do a search for threads re: Vintage Speed before you decide to go that route. Hot Rod Company is a good source.
All kits are not created equal. I got mine from Ken CT on the Ford barn. He was at the Turkey Run. They aren't cheap but he claims they are made in America and stand up to the Ethanol gas. I don't think any of these suppliers make their own kits. I only needed 2 and I bit the bullet. I believe there are a few professional rebuilders on the HAMB that sell the kits. Uncle Max recently sold me some accelerator pump return springs for the 97s that are the cat's meow. (that's a good thing) He probably sells kits too.
I bought six of his kit's with the good accel pump's. I didn't build my carb's, i had a local 'pro' do them with MUCH more experience in 97's than me...He was very happy with them and that was good enough for me.. He'd be worth contacting.. Tony
Do you want whole carbs or just kits? Contact merc.man from Ebay. Fella's name is Bill and I sold him half a dozen 97's not long ago. Bill will also know where --if he doesn't have them-- to get rebuild kits. When you say "small parts," which small parts do you mean?
search for posts and threads started by strombergs97, knows what hes talking about. Seen his work, its top of the line and knows what individual little parts are the best from different mfgs.