Just bought a mostly completed frame off 1955 2 door sedan. Needs some things to finish it. Need to buy an aluminum radiator that will fit in the stock core support. (has a built 400 sbc). Needs aftermarket windshield wiper motor and or motor and linkage to replace stock one. ( firewall is in finish painted and buffed would prefer not to have to fill any holes). Has the power brake booster hanging on the firewall. Not crazy about the way that looks or the amount of room it takes up. Look for names of parts that fit and work correctly. Thanks in advance
CPP for brake/suspension stuff, and Cars Inc. for other goodies. Danchuk has lots of stuff too. Summit sells radiators that will fit.
I like my Griffin Radiator purchased through the old Classic Chevy International. Classic also has a cool aftermarket core support that I am using with stainless filler panels (pictures in the fotki link below). It is pricey, but it adds a nice clean custom look to the front end. I like the original style upright radiator just because it has more of a 50's/60's vibe, though a lot of guys are going with crossflow. It comes down to whether you are looking for a vintage look or contempory. My experience with most tri-five vendors is that they all carry junk and good parts and you have to sort of pick through them in person if you want really nice. I went through 3 hood birds from one vendor before buying from another in one case. Another time, I was able to pick through a lot of 4-5 items with the same part number and found 1 of them that didn't have pits in the chrome. The Paddock in Knightstown has pretty good stuff and so does Cases Chevrolet parts (also in Indiana). I got to the point where I would rather drive 2 hours to go get parts in person (that I could hold and look at...) than mail order something that I would have to return...
Danchuk should have everything your looking for they will be good products but will cost a little more. You may try Chev's of the 40's and also Classic Chevrolet Parts in Oklahoma City.
Since your car was a frame-off I assume quality is the first concern. I have had zero issues with Danchuk quality.
ecklers and yearone are also some good sources for parts plus there catalogs are FREE www.ClassicChevy.com for Ecklers www.yearone.com
East Coast Chevy / OL'55 in PA carries all of the major brands and knows which parts fit best if several brands are available.
Ralph Roberts is another excellent source. Very good prices on assembled glass in particular, but a good all around company. http://www.56chevy.com/
i can second the ralph roberts endorsement as i have purchased many parts from him and been to his home/showroom more than once. i have vendors that are closer but they have negative stories floating around and just looking at their parts i felt i would be buying shit parts if i went with them. wide spectrum of quality out there and seeing stuff in person made the difference. danchuck makes a high quality part and stands behind them.
Rain gears electric underdash motor/ regulator set up works great on a 57 I did. Cleans the firewall up too. Way easier to put in before any other dash stuff and the windshield tho............ Most Danchuk stuff was pretty decent too as far as trim and do dads.
To add to all the above, I've had great luck and service from Mutton Hollow Chevy Parts in Utah. Mark sells Danchuk, Ole' 55 and some Cal custom parts usually cheaper and ships fast. Real easy to deal with and he'll take time to talk to you by phone if you wish.
Why?, because it may not have electric wipers on it. If not they were run by vacuum and cables that turned on spools and they really suck. I threw mine out and bought marine wiper motors and run them on seperate switches. Rain gear last I knew were about 400.00 for the system and mine cost 70.00 for both sides.