It's a 52 Plymouth. Finally got it running, but the exhaust manifold has an arm that has broken off the rest of the assembly. I spent 5 hours yesterday trying to break the last bolt, and I finally resorted to cutting a hole in the firewall. It still won't come off. Any ideas? I need to have my car out of the shop my tomorrow, so I need to get this bitch fixed!
shoot some PB blaster on it? I usually break loose and then re-snug down the rest of the fasteners on I already broke loose on a part so as to take some of the tension off that one last fastener then try it again. Also, as a last resort try tightening it a bit to break the rust loose and then back it off. I say as a last resort because that often breaks the bolt/stud off in the block...
Try to tighten it a little, and if you can get a punch or something against it, a good solid TAP with a hammer often helps... AND heat of course. Aren't old cars fun?
Ok, thank you all. We haven't even arrived at the fun part yet. Ever try to weld cast iron? Here goes nothing! Guy wants 80 bucks for a new one.
It`s possible to weld it,I have done it before for a friend that was in a pinch.....preheating is the key....
Braze it and be done with it. Or by the $80 dollar one. The brazing rod with the blue flux on it flows like BUTTA!
There are 13 bolts holding the manifolds to the block. did you get the all??? The intake and exhaust are fastened together at the heat riser by four bolts. The 13th is in behind the heat excahne casting, The two long bolts on the lower exhaust mounts can be a pain. Even if you break the head off sometimes the manifold will rust onto these two fasteners. I had my front sheetmatal off and had to use a chain and slide hammer to get mine free. Check on the P15 D24 board you might find them in the classified section there. Also if you're interested thee are links to a couple folks who split the exhausts to make dual exhausts. Either of them could also repair yours.