Well as for me and my partners in our FED we would rather go to a doing event then a looking event (not thet we dont like car shows and such). As some of you may remember we broke the last time out, big Badda Bang. Well we got her together but never got a chance to test and tune before this race. So we just let it hang out. First pass Tyson does a great burn out cut an ok light and let up at the thousand foot mark and ran a 7.34 at 170 mph's,faster then we have ever gone.We qualify #3. Next pass crappy burn out runs a 7.41 at 180 mphs and never let up. So we are just going nuts we never had these times and or mph. We end up qualifying #5 after a guy ran a 7.36, no big we are in and running with the big dogs. So we have to choose a dail in, we just guess at 7.35 no big right. We draw one of the best cars out first up, he dails a 7.25. Tyson does another great burn out cuts a better light,( his dad told him before the run just stay in it) runs a 7.24 with a 6 at 186 mph's with a 7, the other car runs our dail because hes on the brakes and didnt think we could run that #. We break out like a SOB and are just jumping up and down like we won everything. Tyson said at the top end the tires are still spinnin and the car is surging faster and faster,(time for a bigger pump) Yea Haw what a great weekend. I only have a few picks of our car cuz we are just too busy. Oh ya we didnt break anything major just pushed out an intake gasket and we had it fixxed in less then 20 minutes. By the way we are self sponsored and dont even have our names on the car everybody else in our class has some sort of sopport, so it kinda makes us feel good when we knock off a 7.24. Any way here are some picks from the weekend. Danny
One of our friends from up north Roy. This is one the most Nastalgic cars I have seen yet still running. All iron small block on alky direct drive. Crazy Cannuck...Danny
Cool pics Danny! Sounds like you guy's had a great time. Low .20's, gotta like that eh?? Are you guy's running a spool or a posi? A buddy is building a fed. We heard that spool's tend to push the car around too much.
Thanks. You know our first car we ran an open rearend and the car did great with and injected only car, on this one we are running a spool and 410 gears. we are gonna go to 388s and pick up some mphs. and now shootin for the teens... Heres some more .....Danny
Congrats on the 7.24! Y'all done good, real good! Thanks for the pics. Looks like a hell of a good time.
That Plymouth pickup is/was Big Bill Krueger from Jefferson. Runs a 440 Mopar. Somewhere around here I have a pic of the first pass down the Woodburn strip. Don Stafney's '34 Ford 5 window against a fella named Martin in a 32 roadster. Don lives almost across from the pit gate and has a PRO 6 or 7 Fairlane. He used to own the Mobil station at the Woodburn exit. If I'd thought the weather was going to be that good I would have come over. Congrats on the 7:24. Mike
The banger was very cool, he had a powerglide and a 9" and for a water pump its a bilge pump. Thats the only pic of the 6 I have. HRR I have been going for a while but now I am a new dad so it will have to wait for me, but I do miss it.. Rocky you should move back a go with us . Glad you folks like the pics I wish I had one of car running but no time to click....Danny
Great pictures Danny, I wish I could have gone. Family got in the way on Sunday. The $25 charge per person ($5 kids)sure was steep. My family would have run $80 for the day. Still, it looked like it was well worth it. See you around.