...the damn "Trend" thread??? No one was fighting, no one was calling each other pricks or assholes......why did we close this one this time?? 1shot
Drama. Pictures of sheep. Pointless. Coulda been worse - coulda been deleted... 6 pages, 110 posts in <2 days is rarely positive on posts like that...
If you are here for more than traditional hot rods and customs, you will often find yourself disappointed.
Thas not what we was talking we was talking about the difference between trends and styles. We wasn't looking for "anything else" man.
The difference between 'trends' & 'styles' is largely semantic - which you discovered with your 6-page post....
For some reason, this thread made me think of the saying....."The beatings will continue until morale improves."
There seems to be an increase in the number of threads of this style. Maybe it's a trend. Dave Mann "Telling the same jokes since 1966..."
I have one simple thing to say and then im gonna leave it at that... BLIND FOLLOWERS. Toodles boys. 1shot