my 47 stude M5 Shot with KODAK EASYSHARE Z710 ZOOM DIGITAL CAMERA at 2008-06-08 Shot with KODAK EASYSHARE Z710 ZOOM DIGITAL CAMERA at 2008-06-08 Shot with KODAK CX7330 ZOOM DIGITAL CAMERA at 2007-08-16
Heres a link to 22 pages of chevy/gmc trucks
Holy fuck. This is the most catastrophic, godawful chop I have ever seen in my life...please sell all of your tools immediately and find a hobby that better suits your unique talents....maybe lumberjacking? Ugh, that poor, mutilated Stude....
hey stiff , apparently your mommy never gave ya the "if ya can't say anything nice...don't say anything at all" speach . i agree the chop is a bit radical but the worst you've ever seen? maybe you haven't been around much .i purchased the cab with the chop about 80% complete , it was started by a local guy over 15 years ago,wasn't really worth re-doing to me. everything else on this truck i had my hands on , and did my way with some help from my friends. also just a doesn't really make ya cool to respond to posts by people you don't know with such negativity . kinda makes ya look like a dip shit internet tough guy actually . and i do know for sure , without question you'd be a little more tight lipped about your opinion if you were standing next to me. maybe not cause you wouldn't say it to my face but more likely cause i'd knock ya on your ass before ya got to finish your little up a pic of your perfectly chopped pick up so i can see how the cool ass, tough guy, mouthy fuckers do it ,..... or pay to have it done , or what ever the case may be.
Here's mine. No bed yet, so I don't know if this counts. Its a '30 Dodge DD chopped and sectioned down to a pickup cab. The truck bed may be from a '34 Ford.
Oh, I'm sorry, you're right. The lines are perfect, nice job!! Too bad I'm so far away or I'd buy that bad boy right now!! Any more pics? What wheel/tire combo is that? Give us some history on this beauty! How'dja lay out that sweet iron cross? There, feel better now? Sorry your mangina got irritated.