Ford's big Hooplah !!!! All Model T's !!!! Starting Monday the 21st. Thousands of cars are supposed to be there !!! In Richmond Indiana @ the fairgrounds !!!! I drove past there today ,and there are several already coming in !!! Sounds like a good time !!!! Swap meet spaces ,I hear are already sold out !!!! If you like them little old Model T Fords you better check this out !!!!!
There's some stuff going on at the Henry Ford this weekend too. It's overcast and has rained a couple of times today though, I don't know how the turnout is. The Ford/Mercury Restorers club swap is this weekend too. Lots of Ford stuff here in the "D" this weekend! The big shindig in Indiana sounds good, but from what I understand alot is prepay... is that the case or if you show up can you get in? Jay
Yes, i am driving over with the Simple T wed and maybe thursday....... I went on a T tour today and they think there will be thousands of Ts running around.......
I don't know about pre pay stuff . But it sure does look like there will be a ton of cars there ! I hear there are cars coming in from other countries even ! I got to go down and find some more parts for our HA/GR cars ! I passed two model T roadsters , just driving down the road today ! Sure are neat cars , that you hardly ever get to see !!! I also hear they are going to try and set a guiness word record ,for longest line of cars end to end (of same model car) !! Now that , you might need a WIDE angle lens for !!! I will post the website for it all tommorow ! Hey Jim ,do you still have a set of those header flanges ?
Yes , i have some header flanges for the GMC. I did manage to get me a swap meet space for the Richmond deal its space L-20. You and all hambers can stop by for a cold water or Miller High Life the truck will be loaded. Should be a fun weekend..... I have a couple bodies for sale etc. going to clean up my Model T stock first of week and load er up, gotta be the best ever place to sell some of this stuff...