Cool pics, thanks for posting.. We just got home a little while ago from the show. No real reason to stay in the rain it was along weekend with the heat and being there since thursday morning. There seemed to be a lot more HAMB styled car's there this year compared to the past..Some pretty damn nice. I only took a few pics myself, wasn't into the picture taking mood i guess..I'll post s few later on. The HAMB meet was only 4 or 5 strong this year even though i know there were a lot more member's there.. That A roadster pick up was absolutely perfect and probably one of my favorite's of the show!! Tony
Your spot on about that '28! I saw the truck for the first time last October during the Rolling bones reliability run. My tounge was on the ground! I couldn't get enough of it! That 4 banger with the cragar head is "Too Much!" To see that truck in person is to really appreciate the work put into it. The kid that owns it isnt afraid to drive it either! Great pics --- thanks.
Mckee, thanks for posting, looks like some great machines there, that ford 8n is awesome with that retro fit 350. The Ford 8n revolutionized farming in this country. Glad to see the spirit is still alive and well !!!
McKee, thanks for posting all the great photos. Even though I took my camera I did not take one photo. I staggered around Friday and Saturday and thought I must have sweat off 10 pound! It was HOT, the hottest I can remember it being at Syracuse. However, when I got home and weighed myself just to see, no such luck as I'm still the fat slob that left Rochester. Musat have something to do witrh the beer. Tony, I didn't know there was a HAMB meet or I would have stumbled over for it, for sure. The Rolling Bone-ish Dearborn Deuce was spectacular. I love this car. My friend Jim had his Dearborn Deuce there and I wanted to get the two together for a side-by-side. Never did make the connection. Too bad...
McKee, you got a great eye. The 62 Rambler wagon belongs to my friend Al Koster. The 55 Ford p/u belongs to my friend Rick Ivanchak. I did the striping on Ricks truck but you can't tell by the pic. Someone else painted the doors. I was also there doing the charity panel jam. Some really huge names this weekend. Tom Kelly Pete "Hot Dog" Finlan, Brian Papa, Paul Quinn just to name a few. I did more automotive illustrative painting than I did striping actually. Great pics. Thanks for stoppin down. Brian
Thanks for posting a pic of my car. And did anyone else see that little Mopar sedan with the Latham on it. That thing was just wicked sounding when he come in.
I took several pics of the Cragar A too. Really nice car. There was a neat Dodge near by too that I took a few of.
I actually thought the show was a little weak this year. I think the car count was down (to be expected in these tougher economic times) and the quality of the cars was a little off too. I took more pictures of the Total Performance King T than any other car. There was alot of what I would call just crap. Definitly still worth the trip to take the show in however.
We were there for just a few hours on Friday. Was cool that they had the "Old School Rod" area and Krypton88 playing, not cool that they had all the "Display Campers" along the main road next to the gate. Was HOT, REAL HOT! I think my shoes started to melt on the blacktop.....
I thought the swap meet was about 1/2 the size of last years,and some of the vendors were just arrogant,seemed like there were more cars though.
I had a great time this year except move out in the RAIN ugh... trying to get soem pics up now... did this work? I saw TONS more cars in the car corral- my guess is not everyone can keep their passion when times are down...
Did we meet somewhere else other than the car corral? Sat at 10 there was just me and Terrarodder there. Car count was up, 7800. Camping was overbooked by 5%. Lots more traditional stuff, I'm sure do to the Rumble being gone. Lenny, I missed you again this year. Once again talked to your bride. MoldyOlds, you just plain suck! hehe
Moondisc, we were in the area at 10 too, but i don't think it was clear as to where everyone was going to meet..At least for me a few other's anyway. I spent 20 minute's walking around the coral looking and finally met up with Buford T Justice at the beginning of the swap area... But i got to see ya anyway ..which as alway's was good.. Tony.
The ole lady had the car, so I was on my bike, sitting on the wall by where we met the last couple of years. Sinster Pimp rolled through, tried to flag him down but he kept going.