Thought I'd share my version of making a slingshot intake on the cheap. There was a great tech article a while back (can't find it now) that inspired me to make my own. Let me start by saying that I would much prefer having a real cast-aluminum dual-carb job, but money's a little tight right now. Besides, keeps me off the street I started with the flanges, making a template out of paper, and transferring the pattern into my solid modeling software so I could make a .dxf file for the laser cutter. Let me know if any of you would like a copy of the file. The tubing (1-1/4" mild steel, 1.8" radius mandrel bend) came from a highly recommended outfit here in Oregon called Columbia River Mandrel. Their website has tons of great stuff, the shipping was fast, can't say enough good things about it. I split the 180 degree pipes using a tubing cutter, and then ground the inside lip. Next, using the tooling marks from the bender, I taped cut lines on each pipe. Using my handy dandy chop saw, I was left with four individual pipes. Next I split the center tubes using my cutoff wheel. After much welding and grinding, it's starting to come together. And finally with the flanges on, and the glamour shot, with paint.
Sweet!! Now you even have the chunks of exhaust tubing left to throw in the road box incase you need a roadside rad. hose repair. Very nice intake man.
I like it..Great work..I'll take one. I have a single intake and two Stromberg 97s. I would like to build one.. Duane.
Great work! But the cast piece is only $65, you gotta have close to that in the bends and flanges. Rich
You guys are right, the Tardel is a nice little manifold, especially for the price. I come in slightly under $60, but that's only because of my source for laser cutting. I can't make a case for doing this based on economics it's true. I seem to have this bad habit of not knowing any better I built this partly because of money (not having mutch) and partly to continue teaching myself how to fabricate cool stuff out of metal. Thanks for all the compliments guys, I appreciate it.
But, there is alot of pride in doing somthing like that yourself & I think that's what hotrodding is all about. Very nice work. Cheers Dago.
I actually like the looks of this one BETTER then Tardels IMHO,,,plus the satisfaction of making it. Grudge, check your PMs please.
Why buy when you can build, create? That's what it is all about. Anyone can buy a part, you gotta respect someone who makes it (and who uses creativity for design and who repurposes something entirely different). Nice job, nice workmanship: this is really really nice.