Well i have two days of solid work into getting my floor braces straightened up and re mounted, as well as building the new floor tins. I was going to go with aftermarket replacement floors but due to cost and availability i opted to build my own. I laid out some 18 ga and got a rough outline cut and fit into place. Once i got it trimmed down to fit i cleco'd the panel in and laid out my beads as to not interfere with the floor braces. I have one side welded in and tonight plan on getting back out there and welding the other side in. Thats all for now, as soon as i get a driveshaft; the tunnel and under the back seat area will get built. Over and out, Matt
Hey now, that's some hot sheetmetal work, there. Obviously not your first day at the 'tin rodeo'! Swankey Devils C.C. "Meanwhile, back aboard The Tainted Pork"
Thanks for the positive replies, yes i have been doing sheetmetal work for a little while but this is my first attempt at floors.