has anyone been to this show? is anyone going this year(08/08/2008)? I've got some good friends from the area and they say I should check it out.
Yes, It is a nice gathering, the town is packed with all styles of cars They close the street's to anything newer than 73 at 7:00 pm Saturday till 10:30 "controlled cruise" We always go up Thursday and get a spot to camp out with the bus and stay till Sunday morning .. this year, can't make it though ..darn Most years, its hot ..very,very hot Go, you'll have fun
i read somewhere that you had to register your car to do the cruise. any truth to this? i cant really find anything but event coverage on the net
Yep you have to register. I used to go but I dont any more. Motels are hard to get. Police are everywhere !
Just to be in the "controlled cruise" ..We always just parked the cars and grabbed the cooler and watched You could register the day of the cruise too http://s208175511.onlinehome.us/schedule/index.html the website looks like www.summerslastblast.com Yeah, the police numbers have grown over the years but, so has the crowd ..couple years ago some dipshits were "street racing" couple real fast cars on the service road and it got out of control and people got hurt I knew then that police would have to be more active They have burnout contest's and other things to see .. If you don't do anything dumb abide normal traffic laws , you could go and not worry about being in any trouble I think they claim the cruise route is like 8 miles ? ( seems bigger to me)
I've been going for about five years now. It is great fun, but it is usually hot!! We have been rained on few times as well. You are right about motels. We book ours for the next year when we check in on Friday every year. The cruise this year is for 1978 and earlier. It is a closed cruise on Saturday, but there is an open test & tune cruise on Friday night. There is a concert on Friday night as well. The show at Roy Orbison park on Sunday doesn't have nearly all of the cars that participate in the cruise, but you do an opportunity to look at all of them up close.
Vernon is always a great little get together for the Hot Rod folk. Wichita Falls is about 48 miles east with plenty of rooms and hotels and places to eat. Little town doubles in size for the weekend and the crowd is very appreciative. The police have their hands full with the idiot street racers and clowns falling out of the backs of pickups, don't bother the regular hot rodders too much. Thanks, K