haha........ i used to before i moved to california.........and i am from arizona. so i dont know where it came from.....my wife made fun of me sayin yall etc. now i don't say it all..........damn her they always wanna change ya .
Hey Dinnie or is that Donny, i am surprise that you weren't a big jerk. Oh ya my Rivi was on the cover of the best custom mag out there, you might of heard of it, Custom Rodder, in July 2003. It was also in the June issue of Lowrider. I got to get back to work.
Welcome. Iv'e been drooling over that Rivi For a while.... That is one badassssss ride. Definitely my favorite. Hey Donnie. It was good meeti'n ya @ Barris even though it was fo 5 min. Laters
Hey Mike, figured you'd make it on here eventually... whats going on with the truck? I thought maybe if I directed the question at you Donnie wont be able to respond and give you your thread back...
Hey nate. Got the suspension, trans, & brakes all rebuilt on the truck. Just need to order tires & a rim next week. Hope fully it doesn't take to much longer. How is your cad coming along? How is the wagon going, still no balancer?
Thats awesome...I didnt realize you had done that much. My car is still sitting... I've been working pretty much full-time so no time, but I am getting the exhaust done thursday. The wagon's still sitting, hopefully doing something with it this week...
What the hell is this board comig to?? We allow guys like this with these shitty rides on here?? Hey Mike!! Ryan here... glad to see you're joining the computer age... get that truck done and post us some in progress pics... I still need to get out and see the shop too...
Ok, I've seen that Riv around before, I've always been like... DAMN!!! whenever I see it! right on man... -J
Well, well, well.... Mr. Mike.... Nice of you to join the rest of the class.....!!! Now why wasn't this intro done like 2 years ago at least..?? Hahaha..!! Hey man, it was really good to finally meet you in Paso..!! I'd heard such good things about you over the years... Your car is as great looking in person, as it is in the magazines(plural..??!! Damn..!!) that I've seen it in.... (now I give you shit and tease you....) I on-purposely DIDN'T have my Rivi painted a tangerine of any kind, just because that color is soooo played out and 'yesterday'.... Oh, and how's that center-console rear light lens and lamp workin' for ya..?? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA..!!!! (all in fun man.... seriously. I mean you are gonna bag my car soon, riiiight..???) which brings me to my next subject.... Have you hooked up your front end like you did Dinnies yet..?? I mean Donny says it's the rulingest...!! and you know what..?? I want the rulingest TOOOO...!!!!! So come on..!!!! Hook it up, and let me know when you have time to hook up contestant #2's (me.) Riviera....!!! Alright dude, let's see some more pics now..!!! (I'll post some tomorrow at work....from the laptop...) Later..!! -Snacks....
Venture out of AZ?? Shit, I was just there for Paso... I try to spend as much time as possible out of AZ... it's like a hundred and fifty-three degrees AND muggy right now... and do I need to remind you that Nathan is "little feller"?? Wagon should be on the road this weekend... with the generous help of a local guy that I met right on this here hokey-ass messgae board... I'll let you know though - too many projects and too little cash!
Hi snacky. It was good to meet you & john at paso. Does john still want us to look at his merc? When are you going to bring your rivi down here?