i'm no pro by any stretch, i've painted a few cars, done interior painting. i have a harbor frieght gravity and it works good on interior parts. what is a good gun for exterior (i have 2 maybe 3 cars to do over time) not much after that. is there a difference between the high $$ guns and med $$ guns?. i know alot has to do with the person using the gun but school me on the various guns out there. i'll be using acrylic urethane if that makes a difference.
i love my devilbiss jga i have 8 of them with diffrent fluid tips for diffrent materials ranging from a 1.3 for fine pearls and doing fogs with very thin products 1.6 for single stage paints or clear 2.2 for medium to heavy flake 2.4 with mixer cup for heavy flake. you can buy a less expensive gun and get good results with time. no need to spend 700 on a gun your never going to use.
Sata jet and iewota?(no clue how to spell that) both make good guns. Neither of them are cheap though.
I bought a Sharpe Cobalt Blue HVLP gun for about $100 and love it. I'm going to paint my second rig in my garage with it in a couple of weeks.
I use a Devilbiss JGA. I have a cheapo gun but since getting the devilbiss the other never gets used. The devilbiss is 10 times better
I use Sata jets but the cost is high but they last forever (Ive still got two I bought in 1991) If your not using it alot the sata copies spray great also for alot less money they just dont last as long
what about hvlp and non, besides saving paint does hvlp give a better finish. also what about DeVilbiss and sharpe, they used to be the best last time i was looking for a good gun (around '93-'94).
I do not paint everyday but I do paint from time to time. I have several guns and some of them are expensive. I have a Harbor Freight gun and that is all I use now. I know this sounds crazy but it is incredible. Here is a link to information on the gun and how to set it up. http://purplesagetradingpost.com/sumner/techinfo/HVLPspraygun.html If you are into custom paint or special effects, then you need a more specialized gun. If you are spraying a basic factory color, this gun will do a great job. I use the same gun for base, clear, and single stage.
I have used a DeVilbiss MBA for over 25 years now with no complaints. The environmental guys aren't real keen on the non-HVLP guns these days in SoCal but I don't use mine in a business so it isn't a big deal. I did buy another MBA (this model is a tad bigger than the JGA) on ebay some time ago and have a new kit for it...if you are interested in this gun I could probably give you a better deal on this one than you would get elsewhere.
I got a SATAjet RP for Candy. Lays down a nice atomized pattern, Help avoid tiger stripes ..And it works real nice. Main use is spraying clear though. Jdee Pic is my first candy test with the gun,
[ QUOTE ] I do not paint everyday but I do paint from time to time. I have several guns and some of them are expensive. I have a Harbor Freight gun and that is all I use now. I know this sounds crazy but it is incredible. Here is a link to information on the gun and how to set it up. http://purplesagetradingpost.com/sumner/techinfo/HVLPspraygun.html If you are into custom paint or special effects, then you need a more specialized gun. If you are spraying a basic factory color, this gun will do a great job. I use the same gun for base, clear, and single stage. [/ QUOTE ] i have the green one and a purple one (don't know the numbers), i've used them on dashes, wheels, primers.....i just wasn't sure if it was up to the task of a full body.
Binks is a very good gun, some say the best. My favorite is my DeVILBISS jga and my ega. I especially like the DeVILBISS cup, I can get my big ass hand in it to clean it.
[ QUOTE ] I use a Devilbiss JGA. I have a cheapo gun but since getting the devilbiss the other never gets used. The devilbiss is 10 times better [/ QUOTE ] Harbor Freight has this gun on sale (34775-4VGA DEVILBISS) for 129 so it is the one to buy???
I do not remember for sure but I think mine was green. I have a gun cleaning machine and this spray gun has been washed so many time that it has not had any color other than aluminium for a long time.
OLDTIMER just pour the paint in your mouth n swush it around n just spit it out gotta refill a lot but you'll get a clean paint job.
i bought one of those cheapo air force hvlp mini guns from HF. other than it being a pain to get clean for some reason, i love it. sprays like a champ for the little stuff. i like gravity feed, unless im doing the bottom of something. then it dont work too well trey
i found that the gravity feed guns clean up faster and with less thinner than the syphon feed. i picked up a sata KLC-B and a sata JET 90 at a swap for 40 bucks a piece. cleaned em' all up and replaced some seals and they both work great. i also have a sharpe cobalt that was on sale for $100 with a regulator. the KLC-B goes alot faster for high build primer cause it's got a 2.1 tip. we did struggle with urethane for a while. the high humidity in southern indiana was putting a lot of moisture in my compressed air system. the dupont rep. told me that even the smallest amount of water in the system can mess it up. we wound up getting a dessicant dryer and that really cured the prob. urethane is great though. if you don't like it the next day you can put on another coat. if you do like it you can color sand and buff.
[ QUOTE ] OLDTIMER just pour the paint in your mouth n swush it around n just spit it out gotta refill a lot [/ QUOTE ] and it will make my teeth whiter.......