Hi Everyone. Finally got myself in here. Computer problems, hey Fitz. I am a little out of my element here as I do not have a traditional hot rod ... yet. Presently have a 71 Matador in the garage but have a strong affection for black primer, straight axles, Halibrand Sprints and round fenders. I doubt I will post much, but I do enjoy education. Later, Geoff
Welcome aboard ACME you will find lots of support in yur projects here. Some of it may help you. LOL LOL GOOD LUCK 52 csb
Welcome from Hamilton! Definitly check out the tech archives, tons of good stuff in there. (and don't mind 27kid, he's from GALT!!!) Flatman
Welcome Geoff. Geoff is a a old buddy of mine going back to our street racing days some 20 plus years ago. funny thing back then I was into AMC and Geoff was into Chevys, today I`m into chevys and Geoff is into AMC`s. HUH!!
Hey Geoff!!! Along with a load of other stuff, Ol' Geoff put the detail and shine on Andys Flathead engine. Did a real nice job of it too. As the build was nearing completion Geoff and I fought off Squirrels and killer Hornets to get a desperately needed Flathead lower pulley from an old wreck deep in the woods! Despite the hardships and the heat, we got it and brought it home... Of course we didn't use that pulley after all...