great handmade trophies , great cars, great people.. Open to all pre 1964 rods and customs flyer attached.
Looking forwad to it. The weather looks good for the weekend. NO EXCUSES TO NOT BE THERE!!!! Lets show some support to this event in hopes of having another show besides Billetproof to look forward to all Summer
It may well show up w/o shield and tonou cover, but it's suppose to rain arond her this weekend, what's the weather for the weekend down there so far?...
The weather report looked good this morning, now on the news they just said 40% chance of rain and mid 80's - who knows this stuff changes daily.
I am there. Spoke with a mixed nut guy who said some of them would be there. I have been spreading the word.
Hey Chris:Looks like I have a full plate tomorrow.One of my best customers called this afternoon with an emergency job.He's coming in the morning and I should be done just in time for the Road King to arrive.Tell everyone I said hello and I'll see you next time.
Fun little show. I couldnt believe it when they called my name for 2nd place Kustom. I got a cool little trophy to sit in my office. My wife thinks I am full of shi* and wants to know why a primered up old car got an award.