Ok whats the going price for interiors these days? Need to get the seats done in 51 Chevy sedan. Tuck n roll or pleated panels. Nothing super fancy just nice. Headliner and door panels are down the road. I'm going to see a guy this weekend and wondering what to expect.
A lot of the price will depend on the condition of the seats to begin with. Obviously the more torn up the frame and springs the more cash it'll be. Materials will effect pricing as well but for a rebuild and recover in T&R you should expect to pay about $500-750 per seat, depending on shop, materials, etc.... if you want just sewn pleats, not T&R, then the cost should be less by about $100 per seat. "Where in Illinois are you?" oldcarmike asked, leading toward a shameless plug. (See signature line)
There is a huge range in quality. You can find shops to do a poor job for $1200, with hot pressed pleated vinyl, mid line shops to do a mediocre job with wrinkles in their work for the mid 3k range, and then you can spend $50-7k and up to get a first class job. It all depends on how picky you are.
I am a trimmer and let me tell you they can spend a whole lot really quick. Our prices are all over the place. We are doing a car right now that is going to cost the owner somewhere in the neighborhood of 40 grand. Some shops will do it for $1500 or so, but that will not be the best trim work. You get what you pay for though. I'm not saying you have to pay 40 big ones but you can see how much the prices can vary.
I was told by a co-worker, that his friend use to do ambulances and got laid off. I called him and he did my 2 buckets and door panels for $90. I asked when I could pick them up. He said, "Go to breakfast. It will be done when you get back". Another complete interior cost me $650, both seats, all doors panels, carpet and headliner. However, I did buy the headliner and carpet separate.