Poncho and I are heading down in the roadster on friday. Anyone up for a HAMB meeting at the drags friday and/or saturday in the fairgrounds. Is anyone entering there car?Wheres a good spot to meet?When?.....Shiny
I'll be there racing my '48 Anglia, suede gray with purple flames. My wife will be bringing out the '48 dropped and chopped Chevy pickup with matching paint. Gotta get my adrenaline rush. Kevin in Seattle
I'll be at the drags around 4pm spectating, snapping some pics and (they sell beer right?). No rod for me just daily driver. I'll be sportin my "Runnin' Inline Ain't No Crime" shirt.
41chevtruckr,I'll spot you easily with my GMC mill on your shirt Flt-blk,will be good meetin one of our southern bros. Beetle,I'll phone you soon.... Couple48s,see you there....
How about a group photo/b.s. session at the fountain at Puyallup Fairgrounds at high noon? We can show the world your ugly faces...
Or maybe under the roller coaster at the fairground? less busy and less power-parkers...you guys vote...
I expect to be there. I'll probably be wearing an RRT shirt from Rodders Round Table. Let's make a definitive decision about meeting place.
Hey Shiny n Ponch......be sure to smack Barret Jackson n Nailhead up da head for me!!!! Have fun boy's .......gotta woik! Shiny ....i'll seeya in a couple of weeks...!
just made a couple laps through town, it is crawling with hot rods and customs! should be a fun weekend. Paul
[ QUOTE ] just made a couple laps through town, it is crawling with hot rods and customs! should be a fun weekend [/ QUOTE ] i am jealous as hell
No were not takin it and no its not sold yet.Might be close to a deal though......Shiny Paul,you should still be rippin around Racefab,you showin up......Shiny
I'll be at the drags ,maken passes in the 38 just look for the kusty coupe Beetle are you running the truck?
Marshall,how goes it? I just talked to Beetle,were meetin round lunch near his place.Hes running the wifes car. See you tomorrow.....Shiny
Garold,I talked to Tyson and Craig today.They said you were leavin at 7am.Thats the earliest ferry off the island.Why you leavin so damn early?
We are leaving Vancouver WA around 5:00 am and should be there before 8:00 am (flathead permitting). I've never made this long of a treck before in the covered wagon, but it should be a good time. I'll also be able to haul plenty of cold beverages under the bed cover to help with the sore kindneys & back. This is my warm up trip before Hotrod-A-Rama in August.
[ QUOTE ] 41chevtruckr,I'll spot you easily with my GMC mill on your shirt [/ QUOTE ] will the real deal be at the drags??