I left early this morning for the 2 1/2 hour drive to Puyallup for the Goodguys Show. When we arrived we found out they wanted $50 to get in for the day (registration). 50 bucks! Holy shit! I asked about the $15 admission fee and they said that was per person and was NOT for the car. I jumped in my rig and enjoyed a beautiful 2 1/2 hour drive back to Vancouver. Man do I feel sheepish, I would not pay $50 for a car show unless it included a complementary hummer. The good part was that my flatty ran well and I had not over heating issues now that I advanced the timing. I'm sure done sending these Goodguys f-ckwads my hard earned scratch!
it's too much money you are right. but I went and if you can get past being raped at the gate it was a great show. Paul
About 1990 several folks were bitchin about the prices and decided not to attend any more Goodguys. A true boycott. Next year I didn't go and everyone said "where were you?" I told them that THEY had decided not to go and I went along with them. Their answer........Ya but that's where all my friends are. Guess I ain't got any friends cause I haven't been back and not going back.
I went to the drags and it was only 65.00 for my car, trailer and crew! Then I went home and said screw the show!
Most of the big shows are in that price range now. That $50 is for 3 days at the bigger shows. It's a little steep for myself.
The $50 was for Saturday & Sunday. I told them I only wanted a single day, but the price was the same. Live and learn!
Iceberg; I'm with you on the gate toll. Didn't go myself for that reason. Sure was quiet around here. Next time there's a Good-guys show come over here and well do some Beer drinking and bench racing and see the show on the H.A.M.B. site for "FREE". The Wizzard
Beer! I like beer & bench racing. Of course that's the only racing where my flatty is going to win.
Iceberg,how do you think I feel.My dollar is worth bout $.75 to your dollar.It cost me $144-to go to the show! I'll never enter my car again in a GREEDGUYS show......Shiny
pre-reg next time and save some dough.. It was $40 for Columbus... worth every penny... If you drove that far, why not at least pay the 15 and walk in to see the cars?
Do the math...3 or 4 K cars @ $50-$60....10-20K walkins @ $12+......20+ venders @ 3-4$K.......T-shirts and junk........I see about a half a million$$$$$$...WTF.....GREEDYGUYS!!!!!!!.....OLDBEET
i have never been to a goodguys event, but have seen lots of pics, and the cars are unbelievable, and i can only imagine what a helluva lot of work it is to put something like that on is, but everybody i know comes back talking about the price of everything from admission, to food, etc, just makes me feel like
[ QUOTE ] Do the math...3 or 4 K cars @ $50-$60....10-20K walkins @ $12+......20+ venders @ 3-4$K.......T-shirts and junk........I see about a half a million$$$$$$...WTF.....GREEDYGUYS!!!!!!!.....OLDBEET [/ QUOTE ] YEAH! It's a good thing that Disneyland, concerts, sporting events and all other forms of entertainment are still FREE!!! If any of you guys have extra parts lying around I'll be glad to take them for FREE- you pay the shipping because I know NONE of you are GREEDYGUYS
i don't go to disneyland or sporting events, the concerts i go to are all in about the 10 dollar range- last car parts i got- set of finned valve covers from a friend-free, then i got a complete set of factory green tint glass for my 54 pontiac-that was um...free-that 29ehv8 guy did rip me off though- i gave him a few t shirts and all i got in return was a pair of 52 caddy bumpers. i have way more fun hangin out with folks like these than with people tryin ta sell me $10 cheesburgers- um, jim, this is not a free rant, please send me $25 for reading this
Sorry I didn't respond right away I just got back from the free movies with my family and the free popcorn and soda was great! I can't imagine why some people pay $4.50 for a coke when I can buy a CASE for that price! And for the record- the same people that sell $10.00 Cheese burgers and $6.00 beers are the same people selling them when the fair or the ladies crafts fair rents the fairgrounds. At NONE of those events does "GREEDYGUYS" make a dime off the concessions- as well as their own events. In many cases they've asked certain people whose prices were too high or product was not that good not to come back. You always have the option to do it yourself, but I don't think your buddies will pay $40.00 to park in front of your house, unless you are choprods- that guy is RAD!
JIMA has a point even though I hate to shell out the $65.00, for the $65.00 you get 3 days of entry for your car and a guest plus you can hand your pass along with your guest's pass thru the fence to all of your other buddys to get in. You won't find another event that has that many cars in one place at one time for three days. Now with that said the Northwest Nationals are being held at Pacific Raceways this weekend and guess what they charge for one day per person? $50.00
Whatever it comes out to 15.00 a day you get 2 adult admissions and as many kids entries as you ask for. you are the type of guys who give your paychecks back to the boss because you don't wan to take the money get off of it you can't take it with you
Same thing happened with NSRA, then Meadors stepped up and said We will keep the prices down and reasonable, call us "The Goodguys". Then repeated the process!!!!.............OLDBEET
You guys don't know how good you've got it!!! Geez it'd cost me $1700+ to fly to the US, then hire a car, and pay for the accommadation, and then pay $US50 to get in. I guess I could build a real shit fighter for that money!!! Out in the land of OZ we have one organisation that might as well run a flower show, and 2 other events as competition, and not a drag strip to be found. The rest of the hot rodding world envies you lot. My $0.02 worth
there is no doubt $50.00 is no small chunk of change, if you aren't ready for it, it can be a shock. but if you compare it to the price of anything else today it does make it easier to swallow. like gas, it costs $45.00 to $50.00 for one tank of gas in my daily driver, I burn that up in less then three days. or a bag of groceries can cost anywhere from $20.00 to $60.00.. lucky to get two meals out of it. I haven't smoked for ten years but, what's a carton of smokes now? or a case of good beer? I enjoyed it and will probably be back next year but, I wouldn't say it's my favorite show, I still like the little ones better like the Vashon show, Hot August Days, fifty to seventy five cars and I know half of the people there (free), or Hot-Rod-A-Rama or the Ballard shows with their own unique spin on the traditional theme, definately HAMBeresque, and not one Gold Chain to be seen at either one although I think some may have platinum in their wallets Paul
It's funny to see the people whine about how much it costs to do this gig. .. Don't you research/check into a show and it's costs BEFORE you go to it? Me and the wife went to it and had a blast. Grand total including Gas,camping,food,misc, and GG PRE REG was $350. Which we saved up for the year before, which makes it alot easier on the pocket book. If you plan ahead for a show this "expensive" it's not so bad. Plus if your a Mamber of the GG you get a better rate and a lil Mag once a month of the show etc etc. I mean even if you could care less about the billet mag at least you get a cool enough discount on the show price!! I have been going to this show for a while now and have never had a problem paying for it. I look forward to the 5 days off of werk and the fact that it's 3-4 hours away from home is good enough for me! The 585 pictures I took can't be wrong of how cool this show really is. What i don't understand is if you know you don't like the show WHY do you go to it? the price will never ever go DOWN if anything they will start charging more for it. I dunno.. Kick ass show and fun times with me the wife and My Bro BarrettJackson, We are signed up for next years gig and will be for the many to come. And ohh by the way one of my favorite cars at this event was the wooden rod. FRIKKEN INSANE craftsmenship, I over heard a guy walk by and say something so stupid... "just think what he could do if he put his mind to it" Ummm ok... your a tard.. and the day you make something 2% as cool I will listen! Jerkoff! Anyways.. good times.. Cheers, NailHead
I might also add that another kick ass event that is coming up is the "Oldtime Drags" at the Misiion Raceway park. August long weekend. July 30'th 31'st Aug 1'st. I plan on being there and Hangin with TheRev BarrettJackson Shiny and countless others for a fun/drunken/hilarious time. I will be sure to take another 500 pictures. NailHead
"YEAH! It's a good thing that Disneyland, concerts, sporting events and all other forms of entertainment are still FREE!!! If any of you guys have extra parts lying around I'll be glad to take them for FREE- you pay the shipping because I know NONE of you are GREEDYGUYS" Give me a break man.....Disneyland?!! Some greedy California show promoter comes up north, makes a buttload of cash an brings it home to Arnoldland. There are tons of great car events in the PNW that dont cost $50. The Ash Bash in Vancouver WA cost $10 and had over 1000 cars! How about the Hotrod-A-Rama in Tacoma? Anyway, your point that everything good usually costs money is well taken. I work hard for my money and giving it to some out of state cash grabbing promoter is not my thing. Dont you find it ironic that most people think they charge too much, but they still go to Godguys events? Could it be that the major magazines will be there and maybe .just maybe their car will end up in one? We sure passed lots of trailers on our way up! Anyway, as far as reading the Goodguys registration flyer, we did before we left. Take a close look at it, it says pre-registration was $40 ($50 at the gate) for the entire event. It also showed daily admission was $15. It sure looked like they had a daily rate to my buds & I. When we arrive we found out that the admission was w/o your car, things got ugly. At that point we were all fit to be tied and wouldnt give those greedy bastards one f-cking cent. I guess if you want to spend that kind of money, its your right. I was extremely irritated that their registration flier was not more specific and I wasted a 5 hour round trip drive, I could have went on a much better & scenic drive than the I-5 corridor between Portland and Tacoma.