I would like to stick with the stock panel on my 28 closed cab pickup. What size of gauges can you run it the stock panel? Is there enough room cut out the oval hole to run a 3 3/8" speedo? Got any pictures with this done?
Yes there is. I have a magazine article right here showing the whole process! That is what I plan in my A with the tach on the column.
I know it isn't the same but I am using the original panel for my '31. On top is the original float gas gauge, where the key was is a 1 1/2" mechanical from one of those cheap 3 gauge sets and where the amp was is the oil pressure. Of course I had the round speedo and it is now filled by a 2" Dakota Digital. I went with the DD simply because it was the easiest and most flexible because it can be recalibrated easily.
A buddy of mine gave me some brand new gauges he had for years this afternoon. The speedo is 3 3/8" and the three oil press,temp,volt gauge are all 2 1/16". I hope I can make the stock panel work I like the look of them.
I had one of these, but just gave it to my son. He is putting it on (can't say it here) you know where.
Crestliner, that is a way cool panel! Accessory panel? Afterrmarket. You can say Ebay, we do all the time. Ebay Ebay Ebay
I havn't been able to find anyone making them and yes they were aftermarket. I was going to put it in my 30 roadster, but it has the round speedo. No problem, so I thought, change the speedo. Wrong! Dash is different. My sons not working right now, so he could use the cash.
sorry this isnt the best picture I filled the original speedometer hole and then drilled all 4 spots for stewart warner modern wings gauges
That looks good also. I kinda want to keep them all in the center panel and have the tach on the steering column.
Sacto Vintage sells a unit that you can add two guages below the stock guage cluster. There isn't much room behind the stock A cluster...not sure if you'll be able to find a guage that'll work unless you plan on not using the gas tank.
That is what I had to go to on the roadster. Don't like it as well, but will work until I run across like mine for a round speedo.
I'm on the search for another set of guages the speedo(3 3/8") I have is too big to fit the other 2 1/16" gauges all in one spot. I found this pic awile back but have no idea what size they are? Anyone else done this setup before?
I'm using the Smith's dual mechanical temperature/oil pressure gage they used in the 60's Brit cars in the stock cluster (2 inch). Had to make a new faceplate to cover the stock speedo hole and dimple the tank just a tad (I'm using it to gravity feed the flathead). The column mount tach/speedo are from an MGB GT.
That accessory panel was called an Aristocrat. There is a company that I believe is called Westech making a guage set to fit the original panels.