Went to take some junk to the metal yard and was advised on the "NEW" prices..It went from $220 a ton to only $80 a ton.I wonder if this is a trend thats gonna go nation wide.Hopefully itll get cheaper to pick up some metal from the supply yard!!
in VA went from $9.00/100 lb for cars to $6/100 and shredder steel even more, maybe $4/100? didn't really pay any attention. Maybe people will quit being so stupid about what they take to the crusher...
Monday I loaded up 1540 lbs. to Sims metal in Sacramento and only made $65. But the fellas said if I hold on to the next load until November, the price is going to double.
I thought it was down because of the Beijing Olympics. The gov't didn't want the factories running during the games, so steel production ceased over there. Now there will be a demand again in a month or two and the prices will soar once again.
I just scrapped a nice 49 Ford coupe and noticed the price went down as well! (hehehe) Just kidding! I did however scrap an 85 or 83 Tornado w/a blown trans. Scaled @ 3440 and I walked away with a hair under $300.
Here in St. Louis last Saturday I got $68 and change for 1100 pounds of steel ....mostly a '50 GMC frame and a 305 chevy bare block. That is around $120 a ton.
It's $50 a ton here down from $95 only a few weeks ago. Aluminum was down too, but not quite as drastically. Went from $550 to $450
Well, that puts a new light on my plans. I was just about to load up all of the '32 stuff up and let it go over the scale. With the new price how much can I really get for a couple '32 5w's, A 2dr and a steel roadster, not to mention all of the oigional fenders, hoods and grille shells? My retirement plans will just have to be put on hold.............. AGAIN. Frank
I heard a similar rumor, but I think it might be bullshit. Steel, gold, oil, and a bunch of other commodities went sky high when banks and mortgage companies were on the rocks, and investors needed a place to invest a shitload of capital. Now that's starting to calm down, the shitty banks went under and other banks are being way undervalued, so the smart investors are buying back in again, and commodities are on the way back down. Hopefully that means a trend toward cheaper oil and steel prices, both of which would be good for hotrodders, cheaper steel means less old stuff getting crushed for the iron content, and the oil part is obvious. People love to blame China, the president, and big companies for the price of things, but it's really the exchange markets that set the price.
It is partly due to the olympics also there was a big earthquake in china that affected some dams and hydroelectric plants thus causing a shut down of some steel mills and factories. the price should rebound when they get them back online. OLdWolf
In May I was getting $11/100 lbs for whole junk cars. If the bottom has truly fallen out of the market, hang onto it if you can. I'm out on Long Island and places in Brooklyn and Queens always paid a little more for scrap, so you may want to shop around. Bob
Its gone down here also. It was $240 a ton most of the summer, then 2 weeks ago i took a GMC van in it was at $160 aton and then last friday i took in a Dodge pickup and it was down to $130 aton. I'am done scrapping for this year. Took in 8 loads for $3300.00 this summer. It sucks from going from $240 to $130 but this time last year i was getting $80 a ton.
I was getting $250 per ton, they provide the container and pick up. I went to $150 per ton last month.
The reason commodity pricing is down...things like gold,silver,iron,steel...oil...is because everyone is finally recognizing a global slow down.,most traders said this would happen after the Olympics concluded. More importantly the US dollar has rallied like mad lately...more, faster, than at any time in history...and that is the REAL reason commodities are going down in price...the rest is just traders sentiment from day to day pushing the price around.
My good friend who is a professional scrapper, deals in commercial stuff, heavy equipment etc. had his main steel buyer call him up and tell him the price was going to drop severely two weeks ago. He said it was due to the Olympics and the economy in general. So my buddy hauled every last bit of steel he had into the scrappers two weeks ago and took a vacation.
Scrap guy came by the shop today and still paid us $1.00 a piece for old rotors. He did say that $100.00 catalytics were now only worth $40.00
Here, shredder steel dropped to $195/ton. I still pay $.50 each for rotors and drums. I got $25 for a catalytic converter, and now the wonderful State of Ohio passed the "1 converter/day law" so I have to make 3 more trips to sell the rest! What a waste of my fuel & time!
Steel mills are getting backed up from what I hear. My dad does construction for steel mills all over the us. He said that they are running wide open right now. Wait until the steel mill catch upon the incoming crap and I'd say it will go back up.
Its about half of what it was last month for car bodies. My buyer said it was due to the fact that the overseas buyers got fed up with the high prices and cancelled their orders. Catalytics are approx half of what they were 2 months ago. Brass, copper and aluminum are pretty much about the same. Maybe this will stop the mobile crusher outfits from scouring the countryside for old tin. Also, for us in California, Sims/ Adams has bought up all the large metal recyclers (except Ecology). that will reduce competition, and they will have no need to raise prices, as they are basically the only game in town.
problem is the the old scrape price will still be in peoples head, so when you try and buy something from them they will still price it like scrap is $250 a ton, people remember the old high prices same as $4.50 a gallon gas when its down almost a buck less now.... I am glad its down because I am not scrapping anything , maybe it will slow down the thiefs stealing shit for the metal value ! Beaulieu
Where's our good friend "ironbuyer"? He'll give you the straight scoop. He's got his finger on the pulse of the metals market.
With all this scrap chatter, I just had to share this story....Over the Labor Day weekend, a bunch of the trucks at my job had their lift gates stolen. They got 3 small steel lifts and 2 full cargo box size lifts that are aluminum. It's hilarious cuz when they were finished, one of the guys stood in front of our surveillance camera and took a whiz. Cops told my boss that there was basically nothing they could do.
How the HELL would he know that scrap prices were going to double??? That's like saying the stock market will hit 13K by January 21. Or that prices for a certain car will triple in a years time. NO ONE knows what the market will do. That's GREAT news that scrap prices are down! This will put a dent in all the illegals and meth addicts stealing stuff!! (BOTH should be shot on sight...) BTW,isn't Sims Metal based in Australia???
thats the cops attitude it seems , to me its grand theft as the lifts cost $1000s each to replace , so that has to be over $5000 and must be a felony, But the cops will not care , and whoever bought the scrap should be busted for recieving stolen property, Scrap buyers are looking the other way on most of this stuff, they know those lifts were not "scrap" pisses me off Beaulieu