I would like to run my new abrasive through a sifter before putting it in the cabinet - is there an option like something I could get at the hardware store instead of having to order one from TP?
I have a 2' x 2' framed window screen that I set on top of a 5 gal plastic bucket. I use it to recycle my "abrasive" (sand).
You really shouldn't have to do that to new media, the only reason most pro setups have inlet screens is to prevent debris like pieces of the media's paper bag from entering the system.
I got one of those screen things for when you boil spagetti and you dump it in and all the water falls out. it's like a screen bucket, about as big as my head so it holds a lot. (don't tell my mom)
For a small blaster I use a 6"x9" speaker grille that has a wire mesh center. The surrounding plastic makes a good "handle".
Using a spaghetti strainer or a screen will catch the big chunks, and you can also use something finer after that. Just remember that simple filtering won't eliminate the fine impurities from the media, so it will still contain fine dirt and metallic particles. It doesn't take much of a spark to make magnesium powder explode. Dave http://www.roadsters.com/
window screen make a simple frame from 2x4s . to make if sift faster, use one for the big debris,then use another of that super fine window screen. I have an old shop vac bottom from one of the rigid shop vacs, the casters make it easy to wheel out from under the dump valve on the bottom of the hopper. also get an AC vibrator(not that kind,mind out of gutter) the kind they put on grain bins, it will help the sand to not stick to the sides of the hopper when you are trying to get it all out.