Who has been on this board the longest, with the fewest posts? besides me....and why....is it because we are just not smart enough, or have any thing to contribute, or just scared of being bashed just occured to me!! I am sure tired of being a Fng and been here years and years, but dont want to boost my #'s with one word posts ???????????
It doesn't matter if you have one-word posts,or 40 word posts,if you have nothing constructive to contribute. The majority of my posts have come from posting pictures. Post counts are overrated anyways...
I got ya beat post wise. Not that I'm scared or anything, I just dont have anything to add or ask that can't be answered by using the search function. Post status just isn't important to me.
Isnt it the sign of a true student to listen and shut the hell up? the sign of someone with real respect......for some of the genuis on here butt kissing ......check
I gotta get my ass off this mountain and get somewhere to at least buy a moderator a beer! then well see where it goes from there