I need some help on lowering a 1962 Cadillac Sedan Deville, I'm going to be cutting or heating the coils but wanted to see some illustrations or literature on the suspension components, if anybody knows where I can get some info on it I would apreciate it, thanks in advance.
Herb Adams Chassis Engineering book (hp books I think) found at most major book stores, it has mostly racing minded stuff in it, but goes through all the option of front and rear suspension including "how to properly cut" coil springs" set pinion angles, calculate scrub, and alot of other really good stuff.
I've got a shop manual at home for working on my 62...if you don't have a copy I can scan the pages for ya if you want. PM me an email address if you need it bryan
caddys kick ass,, as for heating coils bad, cutting coils works if you do not cut to many,,, I installed stock 1970 camaro big block front coils did nothing but install them,, no cutting required. lowered the front just about 3" without the bumpy ride the other options provide. as for the rear I was going to relocated the spring pocket , but just cut the stock cad rear spring one complete coil, they are pig tailed so install carefully or the car sits higher on one side.. good luck
don't heat the springs. they'll never settle evenly, and it'll be tough to get the height you're looking for. as far as cutting coils-- if you can get the car on a lift that supports the car on it's tires (like has rails you pull up on,) you can get a good idea of how the suspension compresses with the weight of the car on it-- so you'll get a good idea how much to cut. It's hard to say to just cut "one coil" or something, because springs vary because of many things-- particularly wear & tear on em. -scott noteboom
Heated up my coils in my 59 Coupe Deville about 270,000 miles ago...hasn't settled any more, and it definitely gave me the look I was shootin for. Dropped it 3 inches in the front...that was it. Oh yeah, and you don't have to worry about a rough ride when the car you're doing this to has a wheel base the length of an aircraft carrier...Mine rides like silk...and like you're on a cloud over 100mph... Here's a pic of it with my coupe on the way to the Hunnert Car Pile-up last year...Wingnuts was driving my Cad and he took the shot (trunk's up because I was fixing the coupe...it was its shakedown run)
Would you set the car on blocks to get the right height if you heat the springs? Do you just heat up part of the spring or the whole length?