Mike, I'm sorry, never been a picture taker. I have had so many projects over the years I now regret not documenting, but it's just not in my makeup. But, my friend, I will be glad to share any tech my poor old brain has in it with you. Just ask away. Oh, by the way, thanks to all for the fun I had and for the compliments. Dick
George, I've outgrown carb cleaner. I now use extreme heated ultrasonic bath machine. It gets em' "cleaner than a spanked baby's butt".
Err, a, it's a naturally aspirated induction system for a small block Chevy engine. (Damn those big words are scary).
That was fun for me also and the most fun was going to the Mail Box today and getting my New Ribbed filter. I have already bought the Oil Fill tube for my Tri-Power manifold so the 2 of them will look grate together. It even game with 3 sizes of "Nipples" (I like saying that word) for the Fuel lines. Dick is alright in my Book. The Wizzard
Does saying: box, ribbed, tube, nipples, and 'dick is alright in my book' in the same paragraph constitute porn?
I think they are tits ! because they remove attention from your bellybutton ! But seriously I see art and patience .....
Geezzzz,, I'm speechless but Laughing my Ass off. I didn't reaolize I was so X rated. All this time I thought the Wood I had going was from Winning the Filter, (that would be RIBBED filter) God I love this place! The Wizzard