Anyone have ideas/solutions to keeping car ramps in place as your tires hit the ramp??? Other than not using them at all of course.. Do not want to anchor into my slab either, not always going to use them in the same location..
Use a piece of an old cut up drag slick under the drive under the drive on ends,when weight hits plants them firmly to the c-crete and they usually won't slide.
All, but one of my cars is too low to get to the ramps. So I have to use the jack up method, to get it on and off. Joker
In the garage, I just put a couple of two by fours between the ramps and the rear wall....outside, I set em on the crack in the driveway.
[ QUOTE ] All, but one of my cars is too low to get to the ramps. So I have to use the jack up method, to get it on and off. Joker [/ QUOTE ] Have the opposite problem here. Can't fit the jack under the car without ramps. We've used old strips of rubber or shingles nailed to the bottom of our wooden ramps to keep them in place.