Its an idea I have had for a couple of years, since one of my buddies and I were discussing a truck he was going to make and did using a '50s style cab (he used a '57 stude), I decided I wanted to use a '60-'66 chevy cab because of the way the A and B pillars gave it a mean aggressive forward stance look, and the body lines have a nice flare to them that I think suits the '60s crazy show hotrod look. I plan on using a '49 chevy truck straight axle because of the wider stance and make some crazy brackets for the parallel leafs, a '60 401 nailhead with manual (haven't decided which kind) and home made 6x2 log style intake. Lots of chrome and metal flake. I want to reverse the rear wheels at least and run cheaters all on the rear end out of the 64 burb with 4.11's. The grill will be made using the front section of the '60s hood and some imagination, then I have a '59 grill that will donate its headlights. The dash is the one I started for the '64 suburban I had to sell this summer. The drawing with the red-orange wheels is the stance I have decided on. The purpose of the drawings was to scale out evything to see if I really wanted to do it, I did not want to start and realize that the proportions needed to make it work were horrible. It works out to be an 8' chop, 6" section, and 14" narrowing of the cab with a little more out of the bed. Now I have decided that I like the outcome and it should work let the parts collecting begin. If any one realtivley close to the st. louis area knows of a truck really cheap please send me a line, all I need is the sheetmetal.
i've never seen one of these trucks fenderless like that. i think it looks pretty cool. goodluck with your project i wanna see this sucker done.
I like to see non traditional fenderlessism. I ran my '58 fenderless after I got the engine in. Everybody and their dog made fun of me, "Hey where's the other half of your car." But I think its a crazy look
I've actually considered something similar before. Keith Weesner did a drawing once of something that looked like one of these cabs, but with a padded hinged top, and no bed, just a moon tank.
just so you know -- that cab is 60-63 only-- 64-66 had a different windshield...its flatter , and not curved around keith
yeah 63 was the last year of the wrap around, very cool lookin tho something you dont see everyday i like it
I've got a panel truck that might be the donor you're looking for, kinda far away though. Yeah, 60-63 for the cab, I've got a door for one, but that's it for 60-63.
Yeah I know I had a 64 burb. I just used one type of the windshield shapes for the concepts, I will use wich ever I end up with. I also planned on the latter hood of the two styles.
Big Thanks going out to "Knuckle" who is hook'n me up with a pretty good deal on a 66 longbed organ donor. It looks to be realitvely solid, way more so than the burb was anyway. The H.A.M.B. rules!!!
K-64, just a tip, cut the w/s first. If ya go with the 60-63 that gets tricky. It will need to roll back quite a bit, as you can't simply take it all off the top. The lower corner,where it meets the door will have to be cut. The bottom center is the only part not cut. I like to start with a junk w/s to make a pattern and fit the top to it. That way you will know if glass will fit.....OLDBEET
Update... Got the truck and started cutting. Cut off bottom of cab 6" above rocker seam and then attached new rocker pannel and rear cab corner. Extending lowest ledge 2" to meet rocker corner with bottom of door and rear corner. Should give it a factory look without all the work of a complete section. The lower hinge and door bottom are also moving up 6". The inside door skin is going to be almost completely replaced and and I am going to play with the inside handle area, possibly a funky inset of some kind.
if you want some other option getting the front end down low with out having to have such a radical sweeping front end you could run it underslung? tim
Are you talking about the frame having to sweep up to compensate for the high leaf eyes. What is underslung style? Mount the leafs under the axle?
Hey I talked to Joe and he said to check out your progress. It looks really good already. I remember when I started hackin on the Stude, I couldnt stop. Except for when you guys came over, nuthin got done then! The bottom of the cab looks really solid now. Is the frame gone yet? Call me, I need you to "ruff up" some kid that's giving Ricky trouble at the trails. Rick
looks like there are some proportion issues to solve in the build above, this concept was posted in R&C about a year or two ago, the article showed where to cut the body and such. anyone remember this?